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What is your favorite LOTR character? - Printable Version

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What is your favorite LOTR character? - Mr. Italy - 08-03-2004

Personally, i like legolas, because Orlando Bloom is in my other favorite movie Pirates of the Caribbean. I also like him because the elves are by far my favorite race in middle-earth.

What is your favorite LOTR character? - defaultstring2 - 08-03-2004

he is quite funny

What is your favorite LOTR character? - Mr. Italy - 08-03-2004

Defaultstring2, y didn't u vote?

What is your favorite LOTR character? - defaultstring2 - 08-03-2004



What is your favorite LOTR character? - SpoonMan999 - 08-03-2004

Gimli rules. And LOTR and Pirates are your favorite movies? Good movies but get out to your video are in dire need of help, my top movies:
The Crow (Along with the Blade movies one of the best comic movies out there)
High Fidelity (If you like music and feel melancholy then this is for you)
Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (Damn those Brits make me giggle)

And there are many more but I love these three.

What is your favorite LOTR character? - dr.g - 08-03-2004

legolas looks like a f*ckin fag dude like u adam lol jm he does look like a fag though. gimli is like 3 times cool acording 2 the poll

lol jm dude jm

What is your favorite LOTR character? - Fuggle - 08-03-2004

i like legolas but come on guys who really cares?

What is your favorite LOTR character? - laMe - 08-03-2004

i like pippin because hes pimpin all the way hommies!!!@ hell yeah hes l33t HAckers to the MAxxx *****s!! yup HES da BOMb DIGgigty ANd you can mess with a PlayER liek Pippijn for REAL!!

What is your favorite LOTR character? - Fuggle - 08-03-2004

lol pippin hes the king of all

What is your favorite LOTR character? - jedimaster86 - 08-03-2004

i chose gimili cause he's funny, and he's a kickass dwarf, but i had to choose between him and aragorn; i like that dude cause he's kickass with the sword.

What is your favorite LOTR character? - Fuggle - 08-03-2004

gimli is funny as hell but the best lotr character is Mario o shit wrong thing

What is your favorite LOTR character? - SpoonMan999 - 08-03-2004

SCF-Leader Wrote:i like legolas but come on guys who really cares?

Look guys if you don't care then don't post in these types of threads.

What is your favorite LOTR character? - Fuggle - 08-03-2004

im sorry bout saying that i just see no reason in any poll everyone is entitled to their own opinion and is not going to change it because of wat other people say most of the time so why care wat others think. thats how i see polls
Coke vs Pepsi who in the end really cares altho i do seem to post in those. or like stuff like that.

What is your favorite LOTR character? - Pamela - 08-04-2004

Well at least that was an honest answer but Spoon is right...If you dont like these types of elswhere! This is supposed to be fun! I mean come on!

Id pick Legolas because I think he is HOT and...damn...did you see him hop on that horse!*drools*Wink

What is your favorite LOTR character? - Bowbow - 08-04-2004

Fav character is Legolas cuz he owns with a bow, without even using Auto Aim, N besides LOTR is my fav movie!

What is your favorite LOTR character? - SpoonMan999 - 08-04-2004

SCF-Leader Wrote:im sorry bout saying that i just see no reason in any poll everyone is entitled to their own opinion and is not going to change it because of wat other people say most of the time so why care wat others think. thats how i see polls
Coke vs Pepsi who in the end really cares altho i do seem to post in those. or like stuff like that.

It's called boredom. The point to poll slike this is to see what other people think about something. To hear their opinions and see how many agree with you.

What is your favorite LOTR character? - endromada - 08-04-2004

Ok, we can all agree that Smegol/gollum is the best... cause he has a mental disorde i like to call split personalaty disorder... just like we do!

What is your favorite LOTR character? - defaultstring2 - 08-04-2004

i cant agree with that....

What is your favorite LOTR character? - SpoonMan999 - 08-04-2004

The style in which this poll was made eludes me. You put the full names of some then left out Pippin's full name and completely left out Merry. Also Smeagol was a coward so I doubt there are that many that would agree with you over the age of 6.

What is your favorite LOTR character? - Siluru - 08-04-2004

Legolas all teh way, one kick *** elf