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Thread: About R/D's

  1. #21


    Im have gametime on default and if i r\d i try again in 25 minutes, my bot NEVER stops... (that means he doesnt get a lot of r\ds at the same time!)

  2. #22


    recently my d2jsp has been getting me realm downs more and more often, and i wouldnt care if it were just like a half an hour r/d but its more like 12 hours and i cant stand it ne more, i assume its cause of my bot trying to r/j every 5 minutes but other times its happened aswell, but i think that was gambleing, but i have a cable modem and i'd like to kno how to bypass it, ive tried the ip switching thing with CMD prompt and everything and it doesnt work for me, so if u kno something else can u post it, ty

  3. #23
    Viva La Revolucion! Fuggle's Avatar
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    if u use a dynamic ip adress u can go start run winipcfg and ithink drop ip or something close to that then liek refill. i know it s like that i just cant remember lol

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  4. #24


    Quote Originally Posted by SoulessKnight
    no wonder when bots mess up it angers me so much .. having to wait 24 hours is a pain .. there is rumored ways to bypass realdown on blizzhackers.. i found one that works wit cable modems .. i am not sure about others.. i really dislike bnet for having realmdown.. but i guess it stops there botter problem a little bit.
    could please tell me of or where i can get this info for cable modem. everything ive found is for dial-crap. any help would be luverly thx in advance

    sincerley, me

  5. #25
    The Immortals Dynafrom's Avatar
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    Listen ITS IMPOSSIBLE to change your IP address by yourself if you have a cable modem, ur isp gives you a certian IP to connect on and you cant change it cause itll never connect onto the internet
    Business & Computer Science major

  6. #26


    That's not true actually... All you have to do is get an external NIC card... plug it in, and hook your internet connection up to that. The new NIC card will completely change your MAC address, which in turn gives you a completely new IP. :)

  7. #27


    good job cale

  8. #28


    I'm using JHJ bot, and i set a 10 sec delay between creating games. Will this help at all?

    Guess not, i get r/ds every 20 runs. Can someone tell me how people find like coas, arachnids, and stuff worth 32020+? Is my mf not high enough? my mf is 700+. And will the bot eventually re-login? I know it tries to like every minute, but i don't think it works

  9. #29
    The Immortals Dynafrom's Avatar
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    ur delay is too low make it like 20 and if u lucky youll get about 200+ runs before a r/d then just wait 30 minutes and do another 200+ runs
    Business & Computer Science major

  10. #30
    Always One Step Ahead
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    i dont really know how to use bots, maybe ill dl one and check it out, even though im deathly afraid of getting banned cause d2 is what i do when i get bored. Are they hard to configure?

  11. #31


    couldnt u just IP reset?? thats what i did when i got my R/D then poof no more.. then turned off the bots for that day

  12. #32


    R/D if using windows 98 go run type in cmd then at promt make sure its a c: drive type winipcfg then drop ip then renew ip.

    If u do nto have winipcfg type ipcfg /r and reboot machine.

    If nether of thoose steps work reset the cable modem.

    If resetign dosnt work unplug modem from the outlet for 30 minutes and for most cabel users your ip will automitcly reset.

    If usign a router you cna go to the routers page and drops the adress refresh and change starting ip reset pc. (This works for me 90 % of the time ) when i get realm down

  13. #33


    Bnet should really be ashamed of themselves for how they "handled" botting. The thing is, if you can do something manually, then you shouldn't get R/D. If a bot gets R/D, do they get pissed? No they just sit there and wait till ban is done. So, who does it punish the way bnet took "care" of botters? The people that don't bot, that's who. Really, should it be against the rules to mule? I don't think so.

  14. #34
    The Immortals Dynafrom's Avatar
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    if u mule ur r/d will be 3-4 minutes long
    Business & Computer Science major

  15. #35
    FeArMyPoWeR DeStRuCtIoN's Avatar
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    heh bnet gives people random r/ds my friend was trading with me and was gonna give me a few pots and he just had a r/d for no reason, had to log onto open to tell me

  16. #36
    Always One Step Ahead
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    i think r/d's can be a good thing, for me it means i stop playing diablo and go find something else to do, like my homework for instance, lol. So sometimes its helps to get a r/d cause its makes me remember that theres stuff outside d2

  17. #37
    Retired S.Mod A|fzZz's Avatar
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    stifle...very true...very true...
    Ill practice/fool around with photoshop after i got an r/d...

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  18. #38


    i kno a way for me to get out of realm down i just click restart my modemfor dsl and there im back on =)

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