Hey Everyone!!
( Warning: This is only for Single Player and fun, so it has nothing to do with cheating over the internet, and it's not possible anyway )

Ik wanted to make a Threath about "Comparing the Highest/Strongest Combination's
someone can make with The Hero Editor for DIIX"!!
( For the people who are well knowed with the Hero Editor )
So i will start with my first try :) !!
I made a "Colossus Girdle" with as attention to make the defense as powerfull it can be !!

1th Colossus Girdle
Defense: 30742
Required Strength: 185
Required Level: 67
³2026 Defense
³1022% Enhanced Defense
³1559 Defense (Based on charater level)
³1559 Enhanced Defense (Based on charater level)
Socket (0)

(Hero Editing: 5x )
- Rune Magic Attribute 1 > Defense > Defense (1013)
- Rune Magic Attribute 2 > Damage > Enhanced Defense % (511)
- Rune Magic Attribute 3 > ByLevel > Defense "onLvl" (63)
- Rune Magic Attribute 4 > ByLevel > Enhanced Defense "on Lvl" (63)
- Magic Attribute 1 > Defense > Defense (1013)
- Magic Attribute 2 > Damage > Enhanced Defense % (511)
- Magic Attribute 3 > ByLevel > Defense "onLvl" (63)
- Magic Attribute 4 > ByLevel > Enhanced Defense "on Lvl" (63)
- Magic Attribute 4 > NotVisible > nv Attack Speed % (97)

So is someone here who can make more powerfull combination's : , if there is some and let a message behind with your own combination's and item's you made!!

GreetzZzZzZz DK-XL