uhg ne1 know how to make it so d2jsp will keep healing potions? instead of it dropping them? cuz nm andy drops like 1 rejuv every like 15 runs
uhg ne1 know how to make it so d2jsp will keep healing potions? instead of it dropping them? cuz nm andy drops like 1 rejuv every like 15 runs
andyxp.config if your using andy_xp
// Type of potion used in each belt column
// Available types : "hp" = health | "mp" = mana | "rv" = rejuv. Can use other potion types too (untested!).
// Keep equal types at adjacent columns. First HP then MP and then HP again is a bad choice.
// Keep HP and MP at the beginning of the belt (in case you want to use rejuv and other types).
// Rejuvenations MUST, I REPEAT MUST be at the end of the belt (last x columns).
// To use rejuvenations only, put "rv" in all columns.
DT_BeltColType[0]="mp"; // Column 1 in belt
DT_BeltColType[1]="hp"; // Column 2
DT_BeltColType[2]="rv"; // 3
DT_BeltColType[3]="rv"; // Yep, you guessed it, 4.
and I think you may need to turn off the belt manager which is just above this in there
to keep em in inventory thats changed in your snagit file for andy_xp
thanks ill try it when i get home, at skool!
my bot opens its all loaded right but then my sorcs just stands there can any1 help?
what error msg does it say? if thers no msg just start it up, and screen shot it once it joins a game so i can see what it looks like and try to help ya out
meh i got andyxp without the _
Code:////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Xizeta's AndyXP script // Andariel runs bot script. // // The script will use any char excepted Assassins (for now). // // It is suggested to keep a Tome of Identification in // inventory to make it work better. // // Version 1.10 // Updated on 2004/08/02 // // Original authors : LordOfMars, FruitBar and HPB_Forever // Collaboration : Ven0m, Muellsammler, Darien, Killkeeper, Damoon, HellNucleus, // DaBeerMan, Gill_105, Syadasti, Smoke and others :) // // Legal stuff : // This program is free software; You can redistrubute freely as long as this // header and contents stays intact. Modifications for redistribution can only // be done by submitting to the core scripters team for approval. If you don't // want to submit the modifications and wanted to redistribute this script, you // must rename it by remplacing d2jsp with your own name to avoid conflicts. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but // WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTIBILITY // or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var AXP_Version = "1.10"; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Please edit AXP_Config.d2l in the libs folder for your needs. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Settings for multiple chars of the same class ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Change the below file to point to different setting files if you need 2 setups for different chars // Within the same class. // To edit the settings for both chars, make a copy of the AXP_Config.d2l, and change the below // character selection to that character and file. // // This is only needed if you have 2 characters of the same type! If you are not sure, don't touch!! //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // First char of the same class if (me.name=="Your Character name here") { AXP_CharConfigFile="AXP_Config.d2l"; } // Second char of the same class else if (me.name=="Your Other Character name here") { AXP_CharConfigFile="AXP_Config.d2l"; } // Default for all chars else { AXP_CharConfigFile="AXP_Config.d2l"; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ***** NO EDITION BELOW THIS POINT ***** // MESSING WITH THE CODE BELOW WILL MAKE THE SCRIPT // WORK DIFFERENTLY, WITH BAD RESULTS !! ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Script public variables ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // General variables var AXP_SkipCredits=true; // Show the credits at the start of runs var AXP_UseTaunts=true; // Will Andy taunt you :) var AXP_FormatHTML=true; // Build a HTML log for PXP var AXP_UseOverheads=false; // Use overheads to show actions var AXP_UseBeltManager=false; // Set to true to use belt management var AXP_UseConsole = true; // Set to true to display the upper console var AXP_ShowInnerExceptions=false; // Set to true to show the inner exceptions var AXP_UseVigor = false; // If you are a pally and want to cast Vigor in town var AXP_LifeWatchPath = "tools/lifewatchXP.d2j"; // Shopping and gambling var AXP_ShopIt=true; // Enable or disable shopping at NPC var AXP_GambleIt=false; // Enable or disable gambling at NPC var AXP_AlwaysGamble=false; // Flag to always gamble each run var AXP_GambleMinGold=250000; // Min gold amount to start gambling // NPC interactions var AXP_AlwaysAkara=false; // Always visit Malah no matter what var AXP_AlwaysCharsi=false; // Always visit Larzuk no matter what var AXP_VisitGheed=false; // Visit Gheed before portal ? var AXP_RandomNPC=false; // Randomly visit NPC each run // Run variables var AXP_StopFullInv=true; // Stop the script if inventory is full var AXP_Automule=false; // Use Sicojola's Automule script when inv is full var AXP_StartGameDelay=0; // Delay to stall at the start of game var AXP_MaxGameLength=60; // Length of the run before aborting, 0 to stay indefinitely // Class variables to make use of OO libs var commPather = null; var commTown = null; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Script private variables ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var _AXP_RunLogPath="output\\" + me.name + "-AXP-RunLog.html"; var _AXP_Position="start"; var _AXP_KeyPressed = false; var _AXP_NeedPotions = false; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // AndyXP functions ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function AXP_ShowCredits() { if (!AXP_SkipCredits) { DC_Print("ÿc9******************** AndyXP version " + AXP_Version + " by Xizeta ********************"); DC_Print("ÿc7Extra thanks to : Mattlant, Muellsammler, Darien, Killkeeper, "); DC_Print("ÿc7.................. DaBeerMan, gzin, Gauss and others..."); DC_Print("ÿc7Testers : bballpaul, Lucifer20, eternaltorment2, RamasseTonDrum and others..."); DC_Print("ÿc1D2JSP.DLL core created and coded by nJaguar! Support him by donating :)"); } var _successpercent=String((DL_Kills / (DL_Total-1)) * 100).substring(0,5); if (DL_Kills === 0) { DC_Print("ÿc9*** AndyXP version " + AXP_Version + " by Xizeta ***"); } else { DC_Print("ÿc9*** AndyXP version " + AXP_Version + " by Xizeta *** ÿc1Total runs: " + (DL_Total-1) + " Total kills: " + DL_Kills + " With a " + _successpercent +"% success rate!"); } } function AXP_AndyTaunt() { switch (parseInt(Math.random() * 22)) { case 0: DC_Print("ÿc4Andariel : ÿc@HELP!! I'm being humped by a MULE!!"); break; case 1: DC_Print("ÿc4Andariel : ÿc@Damn, I cannot play cards without being disturbed"); break; case 2: DC_Print("ÿc4Andariel : ÿc@Eat shit, NOOB"); break; case 3: DC_Print("ÿc4Andariel : ÿc@Oh FFS, just take what you want and leave me the **** alone"); break; case 4: DC_Print("ÿc4Andariel : ÿc@You know if DClone spawns your ****ed, right?"); break; case 5: DC_Print("ÿc4Andariel : ÿc@**** me your Merc is lazy, what a slack ****"); break; case 6: DC_Print("ÿc4Andariel : ÿc@A little lag and i'll rape your sorry ***"); break; case 7: DC_Print("ÿc4Andariel : ÿc@You call yourself " + me.name + " ? Where the hell did you find such a stupid name?"); break; case 8: DC_Print("ÿc4Andariel : ÿc@Here comes the PAIN BABY"); break; case 9: DC_Print("ÿc4Andariel : ÿc@Yo Mama was tighter than your SISTER!!"); break; case 10: DC_Print("ÿc4Andariel : ÿc@You'll never get a SoJ out of me!!"); break; case 11: DC_Print("ÿc4Andariel : ÿc@Tyrael's Might ? Ha! The only might you'll feel is my foot in your ***!"); break; case 12: DC_Print("ÿc4Andariel : ÿc@Tell your mom I said hi!"); break; case 13: DC_Print("ÿc4Andariel : ÿc@PKPKPKPK COME COME POTAL!"); break; case 14: DC_Print("ÿc4Andariel : ÿc@Bring it beotch!"); break; case 15: DC_Print("ÿc4Andariel : ÿc@You want a Grandfather, go bother cain, you want a POS +1 light radius charm then we'll talk business"); break; case 16: DC_Print("ÿc4Andariel : ÿc@If I weren't already dead, I might care!"); break; case 17: DC_Print("ÿc4Andariel : ÿc@I'm gonna pwn your a$$! If I don't though, please forward these gifts to Xizeta for me"); break; case 18: DC_Print("ÿc4Andariel : ÿc@Kiss my shriveled undead posterior!"); break; case 19: DC_Print("ÿc4Andariel : ÿc@Come on down and give aunt Andy a big hug!"); break; case 20: DC_Print("ÿc4Andariel : ÿc@Damn Xizeta, another update to AndyXP!"); break; default: DC_Print("ÿc4Andariel : ÿc@I might as well set my *** on fire now"); break; } } function AXP_FormatLog() { if (AXP_FormatHTML) { // Tell the user that formatting is running DC_Print("Now formatting the HTML log..."); // Start the chrono DC_ChronoMe(); // Open the new log file for formatting file = fileOpen("output/"+me.name+"-AXP-Log.html", 1); if (file) { // Start the html log DHL_OpenLog(file); // Add run log info DHL_AddSection(file,_AXP_RunLogPath,"Run Log for " + me.name); // Integrate error logging if there is a error log available DHL_AddSection(file,DC_ErrorLogPath,"Error Log for " + me.name); // Add the logged items section DHL_AddItemLogSection(file); // Close the log DHL_CloseLog(file); file.close(); } else { DC_Print("Unable to open " + me.name + "-AXP-Log.html for writing!"); } // Stop the chrono and display the total time (add a suggestion if formatting take too much time) var _formattime=DC_ChronoMe(); if (_formattime > 1000) { DC_Print("Formatting done in " + _formattime + " ms!! To reduce the time, reset or trim the item log"); } else { DC_Print("Formatting done in " + _formattime + " ms"); } } else { DC_Print("Ignoring HTML formatting"); } } function AXP_InputManager(key) { // Get the entered key in the global var _AXP_KeyPressed = key; // stopping main script (when i'm in town), started tools (eg. pwnlifewatch) will continue if (_AXP_KeyPressed == 88) { // "X" was pressed if (DC_InTown(me)) { DC_Print("ÿc;Key 'X' is pressed, stopping the main script"); delay(500); stop(1); } } // Toggling the console on and off if (_AXP_KeyPressed == 85) { // "U" was pressed if (AXP_UseConsole) { DC_Print("ÿc;Key 'U' is pressed, toggling the console off"); DC_DoDel(50); XP_DestroyConsole(); AXP_UseConsole = false; } else { DC_Print("ÿc;Key 'U' is pressed, toggling the console on"); DC_DoDel(50); XP_CreateConsole("AndyXP"); AXP_UseConsole = true; } } // stopping all scripts (when i'm in town) if (_AXP_KeyPressed == 191) { // "#" was pressed if (DC_InTown(me)) { DC_Print("ÿc;Key '#' is pressed, stopping all scripts"); delay(500); stop(); } } } function AXP_NPCinteract(npc) { // If the npc object is not present, abort the game if (!npc) { DL_AddAbort(); DC_QuitMessage("No NPC available!"); } // Interact with the npc if (!DT_DoInteract(npc)) { DL_AddAbort(); DC_QuitMessage("Unable to interact with " + npc.name + "!"); } // Do stuff depending on which npc switch (npc.classid) { // Kashya case 150: if (!DT_ReviveMerc(npc)) { DC_Print("Failed to revive the mercenary!"); } break; // Charsi case 154: DT_DoTrade(npc); DT_RepairItems(npc); if (DT_CheckAmmo()) { DT_BuyAmmo(npc); } break; // Akara case 148: if (_XP_GetNumUnId > 0) { XP_DoCheckItems(npc); } if (AXP_UseBeltManager && _AXP_NeedPotions) { DT_DoTrade(npc); DT_FillBelt(npc); } break; // Gheed case 147: if (AXP_GambleIt) { if (DC_MyGold() > AXP_GambleMinGold) { DT_DoTrade(npc,1); DT_GambleIt(npc); DT_MenuCancel(npc,1); DT_DoInteract(npc); } } break; // Stash case 267: DT_ManageStash(); break; } // If shopping is enabled and it is not Kashya or stash, stop the npc if (AXP_ShopIt && npc.classid!=150 && npc.classid!=267) { if (!getUIFlag(0x0c)) { DT_DoTrade(npc); } DT_ShopIt(npc); } // Use the right cancel method depending if it is a npc or object if (npc.classid==267) { DT_MenuCancel(npc,0); } else { DT_MenuCancel(npc,1); } } function AXP_CheckAct() { if (me.act != 1) { DC_Print("You are not in act 1! Going from act #" + me.act + " to act #1."); if (AXP_UseOverheads) { me.overhead("Walking to Waypoint"); } switch (me.act) { case 2: commPather.GotoDest(5069, 5086); break; case 3: commPather.GotoDest(5159, 5049); break; case 4: commPather.GotoDest(5044, 5019); break; case 5: commPather.GotoDest(5115, 5070); } // Mod the info so it use the way to act1-wp1 DM_UsePortal("Waypoint",1); } else { return true; } // If we didn't change of act, there is a problem so abort if (me.act != 1) { DC_QuitMessage("You're not in act 1!"); } } function AXP_PathToAkara() { if (AXP_UseOverheads) { me.overhead("Walking to Akara"); } commTown.GotoAkara(); } function AXP_PathToCharsi() { if (AXP_UseOverheads) { me.overhead("Walking to Charsi"); } commTown.GotoCharsi(); } function AXP_PathToStash() { if (AXP_UseOverheads) { me.overhead("Walking to Stash"); } commTown.GotoStash(); } function AXP_PathToKashya() { if (AXP_UseOverheads) { me.overhead("Walking to Kashya"); } commTown.GotoKashya(); } function AXP_PathToGheed() { if (AXP_UseOverheads) { me.overhead("Walking to Gheed"); } commTown.GotoGheed(); } function AXP_PathToWaypoint() { if (AXP_UseOverheads) { me.overhead("Walking to WayPoint"); } commTown.GotoWP(); } // ToDo : Add coords of Andy's sweet spot. function AXP_GoToAndy() { // Display a overhead while moving if (AXP_UseOverheads) { me.overhead("Going to Andariel's lair"); } // Move from Catacombs 2 waypoint to Andariel's lair DC_Print("ÿc9 This must be the WP to find Andy! Good thing mattlant knows where I'm going!"); commPather.GotoLevel(36,20,false); DM_TakeStairs(18,18); DC_Print("ÿc1 Ahhhhh This must be level 3! Hold onto that SoJ I'll be right there Babe!"); commPather.GotoLevel(37,20,false); DM_TakeStairs(18,18); DC_Print("ÿc4 Hehe Your mine now! Give it up Biotch!"); // Move to the final spot if (DM_CheckTeleport()) { DSN_UsePathing=false; DM_MoveTo(22582,9614); DM_MoveTo(22570,9591); DM_MoveTo(22557,9574); DM_MoveTo(22547 + AXP_OffsetX, 9553 - AXP_OffsetY); } else { // Go to the final spot using user offsets commPather.GotoDest(22547 + AXP_OffsetX, 9553 - AXP_OffsetY); } } function AXP_AttackAndy() { // Detecting Andariel with 3 retries to be sure to get the target for (var i = 0; i < 3; i+=1) { var target = DC_FindMonster(156); if (target) { break; } } // If Andy is detected, if (target) { var _andyname = target.name; // If the target has a enchantment i want to chicken, log and quit if (DA_CheckImmunities(target)) { // Increase the chicken counter DL_AddChicken(); // Leave the game DC_DDC_Print("Now leaving the game due to a bad immunity/enchantment/aura!!! See the log for the exact data"); quit(); } XP_Attack(target); DC_Print("ÿc0" + _andyname + " killed!"); if (AXP_UseTaunts) { DC_Print("ÿc4" + _andyname + "ÿc@: AAAAaaaaaarrrgghh...!!!"); DC_Print("ÿc4" + me.name + "ÿc@: Pwned !!!"); } target=false; } else { DL_AddAbort(); DC_QuitMessage("Andariel not found!! Aborting the run..."); } } function AXP_TownManager() { // First move a little below to avoid being struck at the tent sometimes //DM_MoveTo(me.x +10, me.y); // If randomNPC is true, pick a npc number if (AXP_RandomNPC) { NPCnum=parseInt(Math.random() * 11); } // Else, set npc at 0 else { NPCnum=0; } // Check if we need to go to Akara _XP_GetNumUnId = DT_CheckUnids(); if (AXP_UseBeltManager) { _AXP_NeedPotions = DT_CheckBelt(); } if (AXP_AlwaysAkara || DT_CheckHeal() || _XP_GetNumUnId > 0 || _AXP_NeedPotions || NPCnum>=rnd(2,9)) { AXP_PathToAkara(); AXP_NPCinteract(DC_getNPC(148)); } // Check if we need to go to Charsi if (AXP_AlwaysCharsi || DT_CheckRepair(DT_RepairPercent) || DT_CheckAmmo() || NPCnum>=rnd(2,9)) { AXP_PathToCharsi(); AXP_NPCinteract(DC_getNPC(154)); } // If we need to revive the merc, go to Kashya if (DT_CheckMerc()) { DC_Print("Need to revive the merc, going to Kashya."); AXP_PathToKashya(); AXP_NPCinteract(DC_getNPC(150)); } // If we got items to stash, go to the stash if (DT_CheckInventory()) { AXP_PathToStash(); AXP_NPCinteract(DC_getObject(267)); DSN_CheckGround(); // Check the ground to see if any nice item is dropped by accident //DM_MoveTo(me.x +14, me.y); // Move back to the right spot to avoid being struck at the tent corner } // If we want to gamble or visit Gheed, go to Gheed if ((AXP_AlwaysGamble && DC_MyGold() > AXP_GambleMinGold) || ((AXP_VisitGheed || NPCnum>=rnd(2,9)) && AXP_ShopIt)) { AXP_PathToGheed(); AXP_NPCinteract(DC_getNPC(147)); } //At the end of in-town stuff, if the eth weapon refill is not finished, let it finish if (DT_CheckRecharge()) { DT_DoRecharge(); if (AXP_UseOverheads) { me.overhead("Recharing done!"); } } // Do precasts before goind into the portal XP_Precasts(); // If it is a sorceress, switch to the right tab and set the sorceress skills if (me.classid == 1) { XP_SorcSetSkills(); } // If we switched weapons on kill, switch back to the attack tab if (XP_SwitchOnKill) { DC_SelectTab(1); } // Display taunts if set to true and show MF info if (AXP_UseTaunts) { AXP_AndyTaunt(); } DT_DisplayMF(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // AndyXP libs loading ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function AXP_LoadIncludes() { // Load the d2jsp common libs files DC_LoadInclude("common/d2jsp-attack.d2l"); DC_LoadInclude("common/d2jsp-town.d2l"); DC_LoadInclude("common/d2jsp-move.d2l"); DC_LoadInclude("common/d2jsp-pathing.d2l"); DC_LoadInclude("common/d2jsp-htmllog.d2l"); DC_LoadInclude("common/d2jsp-logging.d2l"); DC_LoadInclude("common/d2jsp-snagit.d2l"); DC_LoadInclude("common/d2jsp-console.d2l"); // Load the XP scripts common include DC_LoadInclude("XP_Include.d2l"); // Load the configuration info DC_LoadInclude(AXP_CharConfigFile); // Initialize the new classes commPather = new commonLib.Pathing(); commTown = new commonLib.PathAct1(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // AndyXP main section ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Main function function AndyXP() { // If the core is less than 0.42, stop the script if (parseFloat(me.version)<0.42) { DC_StopMessage("This is only for donators! Please redownload and install d2jsp 0.42+!"); } // Add a keypress handler registerEvent( EVENT_KEYUP, AXP_InputManager ); // Add the title to the screen var _sh = getScreenHook(null,20,500,-1); _sh.x = 228; _sh.y = 40; _sh.font = 8; _sh.color = 4; _sh.text = "===== AndyXP version " + AXP_Version + " running ====="; // Load the libs files AXP_LoadIncludes(); // Initialise the XI_Include with user variables XP_InitInclude(); // Set the maximum game delay before aborting with the user setting me.gamelength=AXP_MaxGameLength*1000; // Set the teleport vars with the user setting commPather.UseTeleport = XP_UseTeleport; commPather.UseTeleSorc = XP_UseTeleSorc; commPather.StepDelay = XP_StepDelay; // Lets setup the Top console if (AXP_UseConsole) { XP_CreateConsole("AndyXP"); DC_Print("Thanks Killkeeper for the SUPER new console!"); } // Configure the item log path DL_ItemLogPath = "output/" + me.name + "AXP-ItemLog.html"; // Get the configured run log path DL_RunLogPath = _AXP_RunLogPath; // Init the run logging DL_LoadRun(); // show the credits to the user AXP_ShowCredits(); // If the user want to stall at the start until the game settle, wait a fixed amount of time if (AXP_StartGameDelay > 0) { DC_Print("Waiting " + (parseInt(AXP_StartGameDelay / 1000)) + " seconds for game initialization..."); DC_DoDel(AXP_StartGameDelay); } // Preload the snagit.ini file DIM_getINI("settings/" + DSN_SnagItINIFile); // Format the html log file AXP_FormatLog(); // Check if we have a body then get it if yes DT_getCorpses(); if (DT_HaveCorpse) { DL_AddDeath(); } // Load the life watch script load(AXP_LifeWatchPath); // Clear the cursor of any item DC_ClearCursor(); // If we use a pally and want to use Vigor for faster town movement, cast it if (me.classid == 3 && AXP_UseVigor) { DC_PutSkill(115,0); } // Check if we are in the right act, if not, change act AXP_CheckAct(); // Do a cleaning of the inventory of any useless items DT_CleanPotions(); DT_TossItem(100, "isc"); DT_TossItem(100, "tsc"); DT_TossItem(100, "aqv"); DT_TossItem(100, "cqv"); // Initialize the town pathing class to make it work commTown.Initialize(); // Do town stuff AXP_TownManager(); // If the inventory is full and we want to stop on full inv, stop the script // ToDo : If inv is full, return to stash to retry to stash items in case last attempt failed if (AXP_StopFullInv) { if ( DT_CountFreeSpaces() >= (DT_FreeSpace * 4)) { DC_Print("Got some space in my inventory, let's go :)"); } else { var freespaces = DT_CountFreeSpaces(); DC_Print("freespaces = " + freespaces); DC_Print("Don't take the red portal now, I can't clear my inventory :-/"); if (AXP_Automule) { DC_Print("BUT WAIT! I HAVE SICOJOLA'S AUTOMULE! LET'S SEE IF I HAVE ANY FREE MULES..."); DC_LoadInclude("automule.d2l"); } if (!AXP_Automule || !Automule()) { DL_AddAbort(); DC_Print("To avoid stopping, set AXP_StopFullInv to false"); DC_StopMessage("Inventory is full and AXP_StopFullInv is set to true !"); } } } // If the merc is not found, AXP_AbortNoMerc is set to true and we use a merc, abort the game if (DT_UseMerc && !DC_GetMerc() && AXP_AbortNoMerc) { DL_AddAbort(); DC_QuitMessage("AXP : Mercenary not found and AXP_AbortNoMerc is set to true !"); } // Go to the waypoint area AXP_PathToWaypoint(); // Use the WP to go to Cats level 2 DM_UsePortal("Waypoint",35); // Do precasts after goind into the portal XP_Precasts(); // Path to the Andariel's lair AXP_GoToAndy(); // Go attack Andariel AXP_AttackAndy(); // Increase the kills counter then leave the game DL_AddKill(); // Pick the dropped items DSN_PickItems(); // Quit the game quit(); } // Error handling function main() { // Include the base d2jsp lib include("common/d2jsp-common.d2l"); // Set the maximum game delay before aborting me.gamelength=AXP_MaxGameLength*1000; // configure the debug and error log paths DC_DebugLogPath = "output/" + me.name + "AXP-DebugLog.html"; DC_ErrorLogPath = "output/" + me.name + "AXP-ErrorLog.html"; // Call the main function to check for exceptions try { AndyXP(); } // Then catch and log any exception throwed by the script before quitting catch (AXP_Exception) { if (AXP_ShowInnerExceptions && AXP_Exception.inner) { DC_LogError("Inner Exceptions Attached - details below"); var einner = AXP_Exception.inner; while (einner) { DC_LogError("Name: " + einner.name); DC_LogError("Error code: " + einner.number); DC_LogError("Message: " + einner.message); DC_LogError("lineNumber: " + einner.lineNumber); DC_LogError("fileName: " + einner.fileName); var einstack = einner.stack; if(!(einstack instanceof Array)) { einstack = einstack.split("\n"); einstack.pop(); einstack.pop(); einstack.reverse(); } for(var i = 0; i < einstack.length; i+=1) { DC_LogError("Stack Trace -> function[" + (i+1) + "]: " + einstack[i]); } einner = einner.inner; } } // Got a exception so quit the game after writing the error in the file DC_QuitMessage("AXP_Exception : name = " + AXP_Exception.name + ", message = " + AXP_Exception.message); } }
^^ thats what i got
// Please edit AXP_Config.d2l in the libs folder for your needs.
you didnt read it did ya
it says no character file config found...using automatic file or something..i took a screen shot but i dont know what file they get sent to so i cant show you it... argh
nah i didnt read that part ^^ lmao
did u set up ur default.d2j?
Code:/* default.d2j, modify the values below to suit your needs. [by njaguar]*/ function main() { switch(me.name) { case "SORCS NAME GOES HERE LEAVE THE QUOTES": load("bots/andyxp.d2j"); break; default: load("bots/andyxp.d2j"); break; } }
no i just select what bot to run with autod2jsp
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