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  1. #1
    Uber Noobling jedimaster86's Avatar
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    Default Installing Mods (the safe way)

    ~~Installing Mods (the safe way)~~

    -Do you load mods by replacing the mods that are in the Diablo 2 directory? This can prove to be a problem, especially if you lose any of the original files. There is a safer way to do that where you do not have to replace any of the original Diablo 2 files. Follow the instructions below to accomplish this very task. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. My AIM s/n is jedimatrix06 (i'm usually online), and my email is [email protected].

    1)I'm assuming you have already downloaded the mod and have it unzipped and everything. (I will be using Blackwolf's Drop N' Dupe Mod for this tutorial.)

    2) Open up your Diablo 2 directory: "C/Program Files/Diablo II". Now right click, move the cursor down to "new", and click on "folder". Rename this folder to whatever the name of the mod you have downloaded (ex: Blackwolf's Drop N' Dupe Mod). Double Click to open that folder.

    3) Now go back to wherever the unzipped mod is. Move all of the files from that folder to the newly created folder which you created in step 2.

    4) Now click back to go back to the main Diablo 2 directory. Find your "DiabloII.exe" file (it should be the one with the diablo-looking icon above;see picture below for what it looks like. Right click it, and click on "Create Shortcut". Now drag the shortcut out to the desktop.

    5)Rename the shortcut to the name of the mod, just as you did with renaming the folder to the name of that mod.

    6)Now comes the part that will let you simply double-click on the mod on the desktop and let you run the mod (providing your Diablo II CD is in the CD drive). Right click on that shortcut and click on "Properties". In the space next to "Target:" you will end up doing one of three things, depending on what mod you are setting up. You will either: (see the 3 scenarios below: A,B,and C)

    A)type in nothing else (skip A&B) and go on to step 7.

    B) make a space after all of the stuff in the Target area and typing in "-direct" (without the quotes) therefore it would read:{"C:\Program Files\Diablo II\Diablo II.exe" -direct} (without the brackets on the outside), then go on to step 7.

    C) You will do the same thing as last time but after the "-direct", you will make another space and type in "-txt" (without the quotes), making the entire sequence read: {"C:\Program Files\Diablo II\Diablo II.exe" -direct -txt} (without the brackets) and then go onto step 7.

    Which one you choose may be different from mod to mod, so check the readme that came with the mod to see which one to choose (or search how to install that mod online and see which method to use).

    7)Next to the space marked "Start in:" you want to place the name of the folder which you earlier dragged all of the mod's files into, making sure u keep the quotes wrapped around it (ex: "C/Program Files/Diablo II/Blackwolf's Drop N' Dupe Mod"). Now hit ok and you're done.

    Below is a finished example of the setup at the "Properties" screen of the Blackwolf's Drop N' Dupe Mod.

    8) Now just pop in your Diablo 2 CD, and double click on your mod on the desktop, and your good to go! Just make sure that you create a new character for each mod you play, and play that character for that mod only. (some mods may let you play that character file with a different mod, but many will not because of the changes in the game. Many of the mods don't let you play that modded character with the original D2 patch either. Enjoy yourself, and good day.

    ************************************************** *

    © Copyright. 2004. by jedimaster86.

    ************************************************** *

  2. #2
    Silent_killers Silent_killers's Avatar
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    Apr 2004
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    Nice guide.

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