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  1. #1

    Default autod2jsp v0.6.0 cracket

    hallo ich hoffe das hier jemand deutsch spricht.ich habe diesen bot genau nach der anleitung istalliert.soweit so gut.die grundfunktion funktionier ja auch aber:
    wenn der bot mit dem merc zu pindel kommt findet nur ein sehr kurzer kampf statt und er geht sofort wieder aus dem spiel raus.
    was mir aufgefallen ist , die sorc macht kein frozen orb und es wird immer was geschrieben das es zu viele gegner sind.
    nun meine frage : wo kann ich einstellen , das die sorc frozen orb macht und die anzahl der gegner egal ist bis pindel gekillt ist.das hier schreibt der bot immer:

    Error : TP to town request sent! Message = LifeWatchXP : Chickening to town [ Merc about to die ]
    Error : TP to town request sent! Message = LifeWatchXP : Chickening to town [ Merc about to die ]
    Error : TP to town request sent! Message = LifeWatchXP : Chickening to town [ Merc is dead ]
    Error : TP to town request sent! Message = LifeWatchXP : Chickening to town [ Merc is dead ]
    Error : TP to town request sent! Message = LifeWatchXP : Chickening to town [ Merc about to die ]
    ûnd dann das :

    Error : Abort game request sent! Message = PXP_Exception : name = XP_CheckAttacks(), message = Maximum number of attacks reached!


    kann mir mal wer helfen

  2. #2


    really wish i could help you but like you said when u pm'd me ur english is S@#!

  3. #3


    I took a lil german in high school its a lil rusty but i think i know what he's asking. His bot isn't using frozan orb to kill pindle all its doing it trying to kill pindle with the merc. His merc dies so it never completes the runs. He wants to know how to make the sorc cast frozen orb.

    I don't work with bots at all so i can't help him but somewhere here prolly knows how to fix this, i just thought some translation might help.

  4. #4


    his bot proly is set to use someother skill that he doesn't have so the bot just stands there
    he gotta go to lib folder and find that bot's config and put

    XP_SorcSkill.push(59); // "Blizzard"
    //XP_SorcSkill.push(45); // "Ice Blast"
    //XP_SorcSkill.push(55); // "Glacial Spike"
    XP_SorcSkill.push(64); // "Frozen Orb"
    //XP_SorcSkill.push(48); // "Nova"
    //XP_SorcSkill.push(62); // "Hydra"
    //XP_SorcSkill.push(56); // "Meteor"
    //XP_SorcSkill.push(38); // "Charged Bolt"
    //XP_SorcSkill.push(47); // "Fire Ball"
    //XP_SorcSkill.push(51); // "Fire Wall"
    //XP_SorcSkill.push(49); // "Lightning"
    //XP_SorcSkill.push(53); // "Chain Lightning"

    and erase the // in front of the skill he want to use like so...

  5. #5


    no if pindle is imune to cold the sorc will never atack . the sorc will let teh merc kill pindle and after the sorc will kill the zombies

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