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    Default Useast Ladder Price Guide

    Useast Ladder Softcore Price Guide

    *Note does not include all items only good ones * - tell me what else to add to the price guide

    Runes :

    High Runes:
    Ber = 2 Ist+Mal

    Jah = 2 Ist+Mal
    Ohm = 2 Ist+Mal
    Zod = 2 Ist+Mal
    Cham = 2 Ist+Mal

    Mid-High Runes:
    Vex = 2 Ist+Mal
    Lo = 1 Ist+Mal
    Sur = 2 Ist
    Gul = Ist + Um
    Ist = 3 Um

    Mid Runes:
    Mal = Um + pul
    Um = 5 Lem
    Pul = 3 Lem



    Lightning Facet (5/5 die) = 2xIst
    Lightning Facet (5/5 level) = Ist+Um

    Fire Facet (5/5 die) = 2xIst
    Fire Facet (5/5 level) = Ist+Um

    Cold Facet (5/5 die) = 2xIst
    Cold Facet (5/5 level) = Ist+Um

    Poison Facet (5/5 die) = Ist
    Poison Facet (5/5 level) = Mal

    Magical Jewels:

    30-34 Ed/ 15 Ias = Ist-ish
    35-38 Ed / 15 Ias = 3 Ist - High Rune+2 Ist
    39ED / 15 Ias= 7xIst
    40Ed / 15 Ias = 8xIst

    30-34 Ed/ 15 Max = Ist-ish
    35-39 Ed/ 15 Max = 1 - 2 Ist

    30-34 Ed/ 10 Min = Ist-ish
    35-39 Ed / 10 Min = 1 - 2 Ist

    35-39%ed/7%FHR = Mal - Ist

    15Ias / 12-14 Resist = Ist - Ist+

    15Ias / 15 Resist = 3 Ist

    15 Ias / 7% FHR = 2 - 3 Ist
    40 ed / 7% FHR = Ist - 1.5 Ist
    37-40%ed = Pul-Um

    Rune words :


    Beast Caddy = 1-1 High Rune+ depending on +skill, ed
    Beast Zerker = 1-1 High Rune+ depending on ed
    Beast Ettin Axe = 1-1 High Rune+ depending on ed

    Call to arms :
    (Best if made in flails or crystal swords. Ethereal multiplies the price even more.)

    (x/1/x bo)= 1.5 - 2 Ist / Ist+Gul - 2 Ist
    (x/2/x bo) = 2.5 - 3 Ist / 2 Ist+Gul - 3 Ist
    (x/3/x bo) = 3.5 - 4 Ist / 3 Ist+Gul - 4 Ist
    (x/4/x bo) = 4.5 - 5 ist / 4 Ist+Gul - 5 Ist
    (x/5/x bo)= 5.6 - 6 Ist / 5 Ist+Gul - 6 Ist
    (x/6/x bo) = 6.5 - 7 Ist / 6 Ist+Gul - 7 Ist
    (Perfect Stats) = 8 Ist++

    Doom Zerker Axe
    (330%ed-349%ed) = 1.75-2 High Rune
    (350%ed-365%ed) = 2-3 High Rune
    (365%ed-370%ed) = 3-4 High Rune

    Doom Ettin Axe
    (330%ed-349%ed) = 1.5-2 High Rune
    (350%ed-365%ed) = 2 High Rune
    (365%ed-370%ed) = 3 High Rune

    Doom Ethereal Cryptic Axe (Note: it might be more or less depending on the -cold resistance factor)
    (330%ed-349%ed) = 2 High Rune
    (350%ed-365%ed) = 2.5-3 High Rune
    (365%ed-370%ed) = 3-4 High Rune

    Doom Ethereal Giant Thresher/Thresher (Note: it might be more or less depending on the -cold resistance factor)
    (330%ed-349%ed) = 2.5-3 High Rune
    (350%ed-365%ed) = 3-3.5 High Rune
    (365%ed-370%ed) = 4 High Rune minimum
    (Note: this may seem odd that it's worth more than cryptic, but these are much more rare since these weapons
    don't always get 6 sockets and are much faster than cryptic. These can hit a breakpoint where cryptics cannot hit.
    Use a Andy's Visage with a 15ias jewel to see the speed for yourself.)

    Chaos Claws
    No good +skills = Ist+Mal-2xIst+Um
    Good SKills = 3.5 - 4.5 Ist ( With venom, df, mb, it can go for much more)

    Fury = 2-3 Ist ( User defined, some prices may vary )

    Famine = 1 High Rune

    Heart of the Oak 30-33 res = 1.5 Ist
    Heart of the Oak 34-37 res = 2 Ists
    Heart of the Oak 38-39 res = 2.5 - 3 Ist
    Heart of the oak 40 res (Perfect) = High rune+ / 4 Ist (In order to get this, must be perfect and a flail.)

    Breath of the Dying:

    Non-Ethereal :

    Phase Blade = .75-1 High Rune (Note: no one really makes or has these.)

    Botd Hydra Bows and Crusader Bows :
    (350%ed-365%ed) = 1 High Rune
    (370%ed-384%ed) = 1.5-2 High Rune
    (385%ed-394%ed) = 2-2.5 High Rune
    (395%ed-400%ed) = 2.5-3 High Rune
    (400%ed++)=3 High Rune and Up

    Etheral :

    Botd Ethereal Zerker :
    (350%ed-360%ed) = 3 - 4 Ist
    (361%ed-370%ed) = 4 - 5 Ist
    (371%ed-389%ed) = 6 - 7 Ist
    (390%ed-395%ed) = 8 - 9 Ist
    (396%ed-400%ed) = 10 - 12 Ist
    (400%ed++) = User defined, Some people will go as high as 15 High runes for a 415%ed.

    Botd Ethereal CB :
    (350%ed-360%ed) = 3 - 4 Ist
    (361%ed-370%ed) = 4 - 5 Ist
    (371%ed-389%ed) = 6 - 7 Ist
    (390%ed-395%ed) = 8 - 9 Ist
    (396%ed-400%ed) = 10 - 12 Ist
    (400%ed++) = User defined, Some people will go as high as 15 High runes for a 415%ed.

    Other Ethereal Botd :
    Warspike = 1.5-3 High Rune (Note: Only 400%+ would get 3 High Rune)
    Great Poleaxe = 1.5-3 High Rune (Note: Only 400%+ would get 3 High Rune)
    Giant Thresher = 1.5-3 High Rune (Note: Only 400%+ would get 3 High Rune)
    Warpike = 1.5-3 High Rune (Note: Only 400%+ would get 3 High Rune)
    Ghost Spear = 1.5-3 High Rune (Note: Only 400%+ would get 3 High Rune)
    Thunder Maul = 1.5-3 High Rune (Note: Only 400%+ would get 3 High Rune)

    Armors :

    Bramble Light
    25-39% Poison 1xIst-2xIst+2xUm
    40-45% Poison 2xIst+2xUm-3xIst+Mal
    46-49% Poison 4xIst-7xIst
    50% Poison 8xIst+


    Enigma prices vary on 2 different things, Strength Requirement, and Defense... A average defense is about 1220 Plus... Anything less
    then 1200 is POOR. Enigmas With +1300 def are definently worth around 2 high runes or maybe a little more...

    Light = 5xIst for average 8+Ist for 15% sups(does not include breast) and 9+Ist for 15% Sup Archons)
    Breast Plate / Min Str : 35
    Dusk Shroud / Min. Str : 77
    Wyrmhide / Min. Str : 84
    Scarab Husk / Min. Str : 95
    Wirefleece / Min. Str : 111
    Archon Plate / Min. Str : 103
    Great Hauberk / Min. Str : 118

    Medium=4-6.5xIst Sometimes less and very rarely more.

    Boneweave = 1.25-2 High Rune / Min. Str : 158
    Diamond Mail = 1.25-2 High Rune / Min. Str : 131
    Balrog Skin = 1.5-2 High Rune / Min. Str : 165
    Kraken Shell = 1.25-2 High Rune / Min. Str : 174
    Lacquered Plate = 1.25-2 High Rune / Min. Str :208
    Sacred Armor = 1.25 - 2 High rune / Min. Str : 232

    Heavy=4-6.5xIst Sometimes less and very rarely more.

    Loricated Mail = 1.25 - 2 High Rune / Min. Str : 149
    Hellforge Plate = 1.25 - 2 High Rune / Min. Str : 196
    Shadow Plate = 1.25 - 2 High Rune / Min. Str : 230
    Sacred Armor = 1.25 - 2 High rune / Min. Str : 232

    Stone Ethereal Elite = Ist - Ist+ (Note: depends on type/ed/defense)
    Stone Elite = Um-Ist (Note: depends on type/ed/defense)

    CoH(low str)= 1-1.5 High Rune
    CoH(high strength)= 1 High Rune
    Delerium = Mal-Ist (Note: pm me if you need a pc on a barb or druid Delirium)

    Exile Ethereal Kurast (40res+ or 50ed+/ar)) = 2-3+ High Rune (Note: Depends on defense, aura)
    Exile Ethereal Vortex (40res+ or 50ed+/ar) = 2-5+ High Rune (Note: Depends on defense, aura)
    (Note: Ed/ar is worth a little more than resist).
    Exile Ethereal Elite Other Shields (40res or 60ed+/ar) = 2++ High Rune (Note: Depends on shield, defense, aura)

    Normal/Socketed Items

    Ethereal :
    Berserker Axe (6) = High rune
    Warspike (6) = Pul-Um
    Colossus Blade (6) = 1.5 Ist
    Warpike (6) = ist

    1.10 Sets:
    Griswold's Set = Mal
    Immortal King’s Set = Um
    Mavina's Set = Pul
    Trang's Set = Pul
    Aldur's Set = Pul
    Natalya's Set = Pul-Um
    Tal Rasha's Set = Ist


    Unique Charms:
    Anni : (These are hard to price do to there being sooo many possibilites of the outcome. Mainly user defined, prices just for reference.)
    Unid :2xIst
    Low :10 -13 / 10 -13 / 5-6 = Mal - Ist+
    Mid :14-16 / 14-16 / 7-8 = 2 - 3 Ist+
    High :17-19 / 17-19 / 9-10 = 5 - 10 Ist ( Depends on how bad person wants it. )
    Perfect :20 / 20 / 10 = 11 - 13 Ist

    Gheeds = basically pul but u can get higher if u try(Note: Depends on %MF)

    Small Charms:
    7% mf = Pul
    7% mf 9+% Res=Ist
    7% mf 5% res all=2xIst
    100 psn dmg = Lem-Pul
    100 psn dmg 20 life= Ist+
    20 life = Lem-Pul
    20 life 5% res all= 3xIst+(can get more depending on how much people need it)
    Baal Sc = Pul

    Grand Charms:

    Baal Gc = Pul

    Skill Charms :

    Necromancer Charms :

    +1 Poison & Bone Plain = Mal
    +1 Poison & Bone / 20-35 life = Ist-3.5 ist
    +1 Poison & Bone / 35-39 life = 4-5.5 ist
    +1 Poison & Bone / 40+ life = 6xIst+
    +1 Poison & Bone / fhr = 4 ist

    +1 Summon Plain = Pul
    +1 Summon / 20-35 life = Um-2xIst
    +1 Summon / 35-39 life = 2-3xIst
    +1 Summon / 40+ life = 4xIst+
    +1 Summon / fhr = 1 Ist+

    Sorceress Charms :

    +1 Fire Plain = Um – Mal
    +1 Fire / 20-35 life = Ist-3xIst
    +1 Fire / 35-39 life = 4-5.5xIst
    +1 Fire / 40+ life = 6xIst+
    +1 Fire / fhr = 4 Ist

    +1 Cold Plain = Ist
    +1 Cold / 20-35 life = 1.5 - 4 Ist
    +1 Cold / 35-39 life = 4-5.5 Ist
    +1 Cold / 40+ life = 6xIst++
    +1 Cold / fhr = 3 - 4 Ist

    +1 Lightning Plain = Um
    +1 Lightning / 20-35 life = 1-2.5xIst
    +1 Lightning / 35-39 life = 2.5-5xIst
    +1 Lightning / 40+ life = 5xIst+
    +1 Lightning / fhr = 2 ist

    Barbarian Charms :

    +1 Warcry Plain = Pul - Um
    +1 Warcry / 20-35 life = Mal-1.5xIst
    +1 Warcry / 35-39 life = 2-3.5xIst
    +1 Warcry / 40+ life = 4xIst+
    +1 Warcry / fhr = 1.5 Ist

    +1 Combat Plain = Pul - Um

    Asassin Charms :

    +1 Traps Plain = Um
    +1 Traps / 20-35 life = 1-2.5xIst
    +1 Traps / 35-39 life = 3-5xIst
    +1 Traps / 40+ life = 5.5xIsts+
    +1 Traps / fhr = 3.5 Ists

    +1 Shadow Masteries Plain= Pul

    Druid Charms :

    +1 Elemental Plain = Um
    +1 Elemental / 20-35 life = 1-2.5xIst
    +1 Elemental / 35-39 life = 3-5xIst
    +1 Elemental / 40+ life = 6xIst+
    +1 Elemental / fhr = 3 Ist

    +1 Summoning Plain = Pul
    +1 Shape Shifting Plain = Pul

    Paladin Charms :

    +1 Combat Plain = Ist
    +1 Combat / 20-35 life = 2 - 4 Ist
    +1 Combat / 35-39 life = 5-7xIst
    +1 Combat / 40+ life = 8xIst +
    +1 Combat / 12 fhr = 4 Ist
    +1 Deffensive Auras w/ mods = Pul
    +1 Offensive Auras Plain = Pul - Um

    Amazon Charms :

    +1 Bow = Pul

    Uniques :

    Ethereal Unique Weapons:

    Warning: Many of these items are priced at what their value is, but will be difficult to sell at that price, namely Eth Astreons and Runemaster)

    Ethereal Astreon's Ward = Vex-High Rune++ (Perfect worth MORE)
    Ethereal Titans(190%-200%ed/8-9%ll) = ist-2 ists
    Ethereal Titans 200% x%ll = 5xIst++
    Ethereal 5 Sock Runemaster = Vex-3 High Rune(Note: Depends on %ed)
    Ethereal Tomb Reaver(3 sock) = 2 ists++(Note: Worth more dependant of ed/res/mf)
    Ethereal Heavens Light(2/+3 Skills/%ed) = Mal - 2 High Rune (Note: Depends on Ed%, sockets, +skills... Perfect worth 2 - 2.5 High runes)
    Ethereal 20dr Gaze = Ist-Ist+
    Ethereal 10LL/28+str Andy’s = Ist-Ist+
    Eth Bartucs(190%-200%ed/8%ll) = Ist++ (Note: Dependant of ed)
    Eth Reapers Toll = Ist - Ist+ ( Depends on Ed% and LL% )

    Ethereal Death Cleaver
    230%ed-240%ed = 2xIst
    241%ed-250%ed = 3xIst
    251%ed-260%ed = 10xIst
    261%ed-269%ed = 13xIst
    270%ed-279%ed = 20xIst+
    280% = 30xIst+

    Etheral Stormlash ( Very Rare )
    Low Ed = 2 - 2.5 Ist
    Mid Ed = 3 - 6 Ist [
    High Ed = 2 - 3 High Runes
    Perfect = 4 - 6 High Runes

    Ethereal Unique Armors:

    Shaftstop Ethereal = Mal - Ist
    Skullder's Ire Ethereal = Mal - Ist
    Templar's Might Ethereal (+1 skills) = 1 - 2 Ist (Note: heavily varies depending on ed/stats)
    (+2 skills) = 1 - 2 High runes (Note: heavily varies depending on ed/stats)
    Ethereal Sandstorm Trek= 2-3 Ist ( Based on stats )
    Unid = Mal - Ist
    Arkaine's Valor Ethereal (+2 all) = 2-6xIst

    Non-Ethereal Unique Weapons:

    Thunderstrokes(200%ed/+4 Java Skills) = 2 Ists (Note: ONLY 200%ed/+4 Java skills)
    Grandfather (Perfect) = Ist
    (200-249) = Um-Mal
    (150-199) = Pul or less
    Windforce = Um-Mal
    Ali Baba (isted x2)= Ist - Ist+
    Estuchas(+3/20%fire/xx%light) = Mal+
    (+3/xx%fire/20%light) = Mal+
    Mang Song = Um-Mal (Note: Worth High Rune for a completely perfect!)
    Azurewrath = Mal-Gul (Note: To get gul it has to be high %ed with other stats above average, can get High Rune if completely perfect!)
    Scheafer's Hammer= Mal-Gul (Note: To get Gul, it has to be 130%ed-perfect)
    Stormlash= Pul - 2 Ist ( Depends on Ed% )

    Death's Web
    2/1/xx = Um
    2/2/40-43 = Mal
    2/2/44-48 = Ist
    2/2/49 = 2 Ists
    2/2/50 = 5xIst

    Death Fathom
    29% = 7xIst++
    30% = 12xIst+
    30/40/40 = 17xIst++

    Occulus = Pul


    Helms :

    Harlequin Crest = Pul+
    Perfect = Um
    Nightwing's Viel (15% cold skill) = Ist-Vex (Note: completely perfect goes for High Rune)
    (< 15% coldskill) = Pul-Ist
    Crown of Ages (2/20-25/10%-12%) = Pul - Mal
    (2/25-30/10%-12%)= Mal - Ist
    (2/20-25/13%-14%)= 1 - 2 Ist
    (2/25-30/13%-14%)= 2.5 - 3 Ist
    (2/20-25/15%)= 7xIst
    (2/25-30/15%)= 10xIst

    Arreats Face :
    Unid = Pul
    190%+/5%LL = Um
    190%+/6%LL = Um+
    195%+/5-%LL = Mal
    Perf 200/6 = 2xIst+

    Giant Skull (2 sockets, 30+Str) = Um
    Vampire Gaze
    Damage reduce 15-19% : Lem - Pul
    Damage reduce 20% : Pul - Um
    Perfect (8/8/20) : Um - Mal
    Griffons Eye
    (20/15) = 1-3 Ists (Note: Anything under 20/15 = Less)
    Perfect = 1 High rune

    Body Armor :

    *Tyreals Might = 40xIst+

    Levi(20%-24%/40-50) = Pul-Mal
    (25%/40-50) = Mal-Ist+
    25/50/1650+ = 2xIst+
    Skullder's Ire = Pul
    Ormus' Robes (15% cold) w/+3 blizzard = 1 - 2 Ist
    15% w /+3 Chain Lightning = 1 - 2 Ist
    Arkaine's Valor (+2 all) = Um+
    Unid = Um

    Shields :

    Stormshield = Pul
    Boneflame (+3 skills) = Um-Ist
    Herald Of Zakarum
    Unid : Mal - Ist
    150-180% : Mal
    180-195% : Ist
    195%+ : 1-2 Ist
    Perfect : 2 - 2.5 Ist+
    3/3/3 Darkforce = 3-4xIst
    x/3/x Darkforce = Ist-2 Ist


    Steelrends(50%-55%/15-20) = Ist
    Steelrends(55%-60%/15-20) = 3xIst+


    War Traveller's (45-49) = Mal+ - Ist
    War Traveller's (50) = 1 - 1.5 Ist
    Sandstorm Trek (15/15) = Um-Mal
    Shadow Dancers(+2/xxdex) = Pul-Gul (Note: To get Gul, it has to be +2/25dex)
    Marrowwalks(+2) = Ko-Pul (Note: Depends on strength/dex)


    Arachnid's Mesh = Mal
    Verdungo's Hearty Cord (38-40 vit) = Pul
    Verdungo's Hearty Cord (15%dr) = Um
    Verdungo's Hearty Cord (40 vit/15% dr) =Ist+Um+


    Highlord's Wrath = Pul
    Mara's (20-24res) = Mal
    Mara's (25-27res) = Ist
    Mara's (28res) = 2 Ist
    Mara's (29-30res) = 2.75 Ist
    Mara’s (30res) = 5xIst+
    2/2 Seraphs = Um - Mal


    Ravenfrost (220+/20dex) = Um-Ist
    Ravenfrost 250/20 = 3xIst
    Carrion Wind (9%) = Pul
    3% BK Ring = Um
    4% BK Ring = Mal
    5% BK Ring = Mal+ - Ist
    Natures Peace = Lem-Pul
    Wisp(20%absorb/xx%mf) = 1-2 Ist (Note:20 absorb valued regardless of mf%)
    Wisp(20-20) = 2 - 2.5 Ist
    Soj = Ist + Um / Gul

    Sets :

    Tals Ammy = Um

    Tals Armor = Mal


    400 Def Elite Light Armors= Pul
    500 Def Elite Light Armors=Mal-Ist
    600 Def Archon's=2xIst++

    500 Def Elite mid/heavy Armors=Pul
    650 Def Elite mid/heavy Armors=Mal-Ist

    800+ Defense=Um+
    850+ Defense=Mal
    900+ Defense=Ist+Um
    950+ Defense=2xIst++

    30S ARMORS
    400 Def Light Armors= Pul+
    500 Def Light Armors= Mal
    550 Def Light Armors=1.5xIst++(Includes dusk's over 520)
    575 Def Ligh Armors=3xIst+
    603 Def Legit Archon's=8xIst++

    500 Def Heavy Armors=Pul
    600 Def Heavy Armors=Pul - Um
    691 Def Sacred=2xIst

  2. #2


    Dont we already have a price guid here?

  3. #3


    ya decided to add another one :P

  4. #4
    friend or FOE
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Canada EH!!!!!!


    why cant you trade 40/15's here ?? enlighten me ples

  5. #5


    i didn't make the whole price guide up if i did that would take forever i took different things from differnet places lol so most credit goes to D2Jsp forums i trade there and it really good :P

  6. #6
    Super hacker skidude's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2004


    this is alot better guide then the other 1 thats 4sure i seen alot of stuff that was right

  7. #7


    Burnin says this: Skidude, if you think my guide is a load of Sh*t, then tell me whats wrong

  8. #8
    FeArMyPoWeR DeStRuCtIoN's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Auckland, NEW ZEALAND


    yep, it kinda includes more items (such as giants skull that i found but couldn't be bothered asking for value), thx to this guide i'll be richer one um...

  9. #9
    Super hacker skidude's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by martin887
    Burnin says this: Skidude, if you think my guide is a load of Sh*t, then tell me whats wrong
    alot of stuff is wrong with it look at this guide and then your lol

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Manitoba, Canada


    I'd like to see you do better Skidude.

  11. #11
    FeArMyPoWeR DeStRuCtIoN's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Auckland, NEW ZEALAND


    ah crap that suks, just saw my giant skull again... 1 os but 35 to str... i hope that's still a um...

  12. #12


    Giant skull usually dont go for nething at all, even if 2 pretty muc that 1 os is worthless

  13. #13


    Damn I was ripped on some of my stuff, assuming this is accurate.

    I traded a regular +1 poison and bone skills GC for an um.. so not.. HUGE, but at the time I could of used the mal a LOT more. :/

    Good guide.

  14. #14
    friend or FOE
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Canada EH!!!!!!


    that means i got a good deal on my cold skiller w/12%fhr i got jah +mal for it ha ha ha ha

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