This is a Classic Diablo 2 v1.10 On USAeast Clan *LADDER*
IF You Wanna Join Pm me your E-mail and i send u the regesration Forum
This is a Private Clan and Invites or Direct Recruiting only
That means only me or one of the 3 Leaders Can Join ppl
Unless you are invtied buy another member.
This tecnec has prove good and has keeped out the bad guys
Or you Can Post E-mail On this Thread
This a new clan to the work of Battle.Net
this is a clan based on:
*** Kicking
Helping other clan members
creating a better safer Battle.Net
We do not allow:
People to use programs like Map hack
Buying items on-line
Unfair Duels
Hunting parties:
These are organized by the officers you will be intructed to go out in a group or alone and hunt people who are being assholes, scamming,.... your mission doesn't end untill they break or we have lost contact with that user.
To become a Infamous King you must have these pre-requisites:
(1) Must have INF infront of char name
EX INF_Ownage
(2) you must abide by the rules and regulations which have been stated above.
This Clan is free and it is not binding you may leave at any time. Just notify Leader directly or One of his generals this can be done in Battle.Net Or E-mail. If you have any questions don't hesitate to Email Us at [email protected]
Chain of Command( Charector Chain of Command Ranking is Incidcated as Number) is as follows:
Leader: INF_Master (1)
General: INF_ Punisher (2)
General: INF_Tiffers (2)
Captain: Open (3)
Captain: Open (3)
Luitenant: open (5)
Luitenant: open (5)
Luitenant: INF_Juke (5)
Pally Master: open (4)
Sorc Master: open (4)
Barb Master: open (4)
Necro Master: open (4)
Zon Master: open (4)
We have a Turny ever Week. Win Prized and most of all hold the Ladder Belt.
and defend it the next turny
Ladder Ranks are Based on your skillz
helping out
you get points buy standing out. only Admins can change your rank
Come Join This growing Clan And have Alot of fun!
Don't Have a Classic Chr? Well no problem, We Help out alot of New Classic members buy givin them Mf and Other Iteams to Help out.
The resion we are Makin a Non LOD Clan, Is bc there is alot of hatfull ppl on LOD, This is a cummnity you can just hang out with and have fun with out gettin called a newb or made fun of.