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  1. #21
    TRC ****** in Europe
    Join Date
    May 2004


    Windy Druide is the best dueller. Hammerdin is only good in PvM cause in PvP its like its immobilized.

    Quick druide guide:

    Strenght: Enough for eq
    Dexterity: 100 or nothing
    Vitality: Rest
    Energy: 0


    01 Raven
    01 Spirit Wolf
    20 Oak Sage
    01 Arctic Blast
    20 Cyclone Armour
    20 Twister
    20 Tornado
    20 Hurricane

    Max Oak Sage before Twister.


    Jalas socket with Cham or Ber rune
    Lidless socket with Um or Stormshield socket with Ber rune
    Enigma BP
    Frostbourn or Trang-Oul
    Bugged Siggard or anachnid
    Etheral Sandstorm Trek because of PSN resist wich cyclone armour dont provide.
    Depends on the helm.
    Cham = 2 Sojs
    Ber = 1 Soj and 1 Raven
    CtA and Lidless

    If you use stormshield, then change all ber runes to sol runes.
    Dmg reduce 7% and dmg reduce 7 is two different things.

    Other thing to notice is that cyclone armour works before resist is affected, so with it on you have no worry for elemental resist.

    I could use more time, but am too lazt atm.

  2. #22


    MOST definitly a wind druid as long as you have enigma i just made one and it ownzzz only bad part is if u vs a very fast trap sin... i own hammerdins u just wait till they tele away from hammers and b4 they have a chance to cast again tele on them and tornado...EzPk lol

  3. #23
    MS guy Silver Ice's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by thefallenangel
    It really depends on what you are going to use the char for. If it is just gonna be for leveling/rushing I would go with the hammerdin. They do very good damage and can tank the toughest of monsters. On the other hand, if you are going to duel, I would go with the wind druid. I have both chars and hammerdins are not that good of duelers. They do good damage but the downside is that u have to cast just right to hit and since it will be fast, you won't be able to have your concentrate aura on. Wind druids are good for pvp because not only does hurricane freeze you but the tornado's do very good physical damage. With right equipment, you will do about 3k hurricane and 6k tornados. The wind druid is also an ok hell char. True there are many immunes to cold but not as much to physical and the likeliness of you getting cold and phyiscal immune is slim. Hope this helps you out some.

    That's a pretty good line up but im gonna have to say you will want a lil different equipment. Pallys are gonna have pretty good resists with Herald of Zak and such but you should go a lil dif equipment. For Helm you are gonna want either a Jah'd Shako or a +2 pally circlet with 20 fcr, shael'd for fhr. For weapon you are gonna want hoto like silver said. For Armor bp enigma is good. Shield you are gonna want to go Eth zod'd Hoz for the extra defence. Arachs for belt. Grim spurs for boots for fhr and resists and strength. Trang gloves for gloves. 1x anni charm and 9x 20 life scs with 5 resists. For gcs, I usually go 10x pcombats not 5 off and 5 combats. If you are rich enuff u might get 40 life ones.
    test your bhammer dmg with 10 combats, then test it with 5 combats 5 offensives, u get way more dmg with 5 offensive 5 combats as its been proven in single player. trang gloves? wtf? u already have max resists so cold resist wont help that much, none of your attacks (except vengeance) are poisonous either, and mana regeneration is better then none. as for your fhr, the breakpoints are rather high anyway so 20%+ whatever grim spur gives wont help u that much, and eth zoded zak? no u need umed zak, id rather have max resists then a little bit more defense, ur defense is fine anyway. and ive never seen someone with a jah'd shako, u need a shako umed because its easier to get then 9x 5/20 resist scs and u need treks instead of grim spurs because they give the str bonus which lets u wear arach.

    hammerdins were never thought of duelers by me before, but then i figured u just need strategy to duel one. so download the left aura patch and u can have your concentrate on your left skill and hammer as ur right, just tele and cast then tele and cast. your hammers go in arcs so try to get your opponent to follow you and so on

  4. #24


    KeitaroWindy Druide is the best dueller. Hammerdin is only good in PvM cause in PvP its like its immobilized.

    Quick druide guide:

    Strenght: Enough for eq
    Dexterity: 100 or nothing
    Vitality: Rest
    Energy: 0


    01 Raven
    01 Spirit Wolf
    20 Oak Sage
    01 Arctic Blast
    20 Cyclone Armour
    20 Twister
    20 Tornado
    20 Hurricane

    Max Oak Sage before Twister.


    Jalas socket with Cham or Ber rune


    Ah right there man y not a doom insted? All that i make are ele druids and i have made over 60 so i say that ur hoto shud be a doom in myopinion it is WAY better

  5. #25
    TRC ****** in Europe
    Join Date
    May 2004


    Depends on the playing style of people.

    Quick Agressive players shoud use hoto.
    Slow players shoud use Doom

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