Update the spyware defitions and try again when u dl most spy wear programs they do not have up to date defitions.
Also use 2 sapy wear programs i use ad ware and Spy bot S & D SD gets thigns adware misses and visa versa
Update the spyware defitions and try again when u dl most spy wear programs they do not have up to date defitions.
Also use 2 sapy wear programs i use ad ware and Spy bot S & D SD gets thigns adware misses and visa versa
i to use Spy bot S & D and adwarespy, i also use AVG Free Edition (found at www.grisoft.com), and if you have trojans, get trojan hunter, there is a bug in the trial edition that lets you use it forever, well, acually, mine said i had -4357329 days left, but the number never changed and i could still use it.
Rofl. Nice mpeck. Thats cool, how did you get that bug? Or did it come that way?
i dled it, it said like 30 days left, then a few days later it had the -4357329 days left, didnt do anything, i was like wtf???.....OK, lol
I hope I don't get popped for this or anything, Go to majorgeeks.com. They have tons of spy bot programs for free. the two I run are the search and destroy/ ada-ware. And yes you need two. This should be run every week or ten hours of surfing. Short the mark if you DL from a peer2 peer sites....( Kazaa Sharazaa kazaa+++ those things )
if any of u have fteleor stele that might also be the problem because bth of these make it possible to give you a backdoor without your scanner even picking it up.......ive lost so many accts that way...this was b4 i learned that i could register my accts...and anyway when i did get them back someone stole all my items..........damn you *themasta187 you stole my botds and all my runes......and damn u *richie420 (both us west) you stole my full ik and ful tals
i have had problems with the same type of thing, can u read anything off these screens that appear? years ago, i have had a guy install "winspy" on my computer, and it would quickly flash the login screen every once in a while but i could read out some stuff if i caught it quick enough
im sorry for being noobish lol but if u install pickit do u have to put in ur bnet password and account name if so thats kinda freaky i read the read me i think thats what it said
no pickut does not require ur pw and acc name
hmmm.. i just got Spybot S&D and i saw a few things that shouldnt have been there.. i thought i was safe with my internet secruitys firewall ect ect..
it doesnt have to have your account and pass, but if you put it in the config, everytime you go to connect, instead of typing ur account/pass, it will already be there, if you leave it as the default (USERNAME and PASSWORD), then everytime you log on, it will have that set as your name/pass, so, you might want to put your account in there, and leave password blank, i have my password filled in and i dont have any troubles, although, someone could make a file that, if installed on your comp, it searches for the pickit config and sends it to them, and if they are lucky, it will have ur account/pass filled out, thats why i dont dl crap that i havnt used or heard of beforeOriginally Posted by rootbeer666
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