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Thread: Please Help ME!

  1. #1

    Default Please Help ME!

    Here is what happend.
    On the chat room in Diablo 2, a guy was advertising a site that had a dupe. (I know I am a dumbass). So I went there and downloaded it. Just to be safe, I made a new account and ran the program, it made my comp stall, so I restarted it. When I turned it back on, I wanted to see if the hack was still running, and tried to access the Task Manager, but no, it didn't let me, It said that I didn't have the premission, when I was the admin. Well I ran my antivirus, it found the 3 reg keys that were bad, I deleted them. Well next day I turn My comp on, and the same shit happens. It is as if my computer doesnt save. Please help, the bad reg keys are always there when I turn on my comp again so it gets annoying having to scan my comp every time. Please help me out so that this shit doesnt happen anymore. Ty

  2. #2


    Do this:

    Start -> Run -> Type this: Format C:\

    Virus Gone, everything gone. Problem fixed.

  3. #3


    is this true?Someone confirm

  4. #4
    FeArMyPoWeR DeStRuCtIoN's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Auckland, NEW ZEALAND


    i dunno doesn't that like reformat ur c drive... and anyway why did u make two of these posts anton???

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