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Thread: sad

  1. #1

    Default sad

    you know it's pretty sad how serious you guys take a FORUM....oh someone puts something in the wrong spot...oh my god better ban him...big deal, people make mistakes. why don't some of you get a life and not make little mistakes into big deals. honestly i really dont care if i get banned from this forum for saying what needs to be said...big whoop go ahead.

  2. #2


    Whats sad is that noobs are Ruining it even more when we are trying to make the forums better.

  3. #3
    ***** Elder Hamel's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Syracuse, New York


    Okay dude we have lifes i doubt you would know what a life is but there might be somewhere handing them out go look around...people dont want things about diablo where signatures are being posted it makes it easier and less think before you post...but really go find somewhere handing out lifes mabey they'll give you one, because if you had to post that to make yourself feel better you need a life. good luck man seriously i wish you the best of luck.....

  4. #4
    Uber Noobling jedimaster86's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Battle Tag


    aight; thanx for telling us whats going on with the forums asdfsdfsdfs *cough* kevorski *cough*but i don't see ppl getting banned left and right; i think we are fair in our judgement as to if the user makes a mistake, or if he is blantant in making the mistake just to bother the rest of the forum. if i'm looking through the trade forum, and i see thread titles that are incorrect in their set-up, i try to resolve the mistake by simply changing the title so it is better. but, there are times when people are just out there to bother the rest of the forum with their incoherent rambling and/or profanities; in that case we give the punishment accordingly.

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