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  1. #1

    Default Can you burn movie files onto regular cds and play them on dvds?

    Just asking if you can burn movie files onto cds and play them on a dvd machine.

  2. #2


    yes i know it is possible because i have friends that do it, i can't remember how to do it at this moment i know you need some conversion programs and possibly some special burning software.

  3. #3


    Its acalled VCD (video cd) dunno how you do it though

  4. #4
    ***** Elder Hamel's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Syracuse, New York


    You can burn a move file onto a dvd by using a blank dvd and a dvd burning program...its very easy to do just like burning a cd...or you could burn it to a cd and play it on the computer

  5. #5


    Damn, I don't have a dvdburner. I was asking if I could burn a movie file onto a cd, and play it on a dvd player, not the computer. (Wanted to watch **** in my room lol)

  6. #6


    heres what you do:
    download dvd2svcd
    find a guide on the internet somewhere
    set all the options then hit go
    wait 6-8 hours then burn the files it spits out for you
    play **** on your tv

  7. #7
    Forum Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2004


    You can, Nero will let you burn a VCD very easily. I'm sure there are other programs as well.

  8. #8


    I have alcohol and nero, but i have to restart and uninstall for nero to work.

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