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  1. #1

    Unhappy plz give me really easy instructions to install bw's dupe n drop mod

    plz tell me how i can install blackwolfs dupe n' drop mod real easy or plz giv me a link to a
    easy to install dupe hack or easy to use drop mod. (prefurably a set droping drop mod)
    thank you muchly. : :)

  2. #2


    1) go to your desktop
    2) right click on your d2 shortcut
    3) in the target box the should be a path inbetween " and " at the end put 1 space then type '-direct -txt'

    note: in your d2 directory you should have copyed the folder from the mod called 'data'

  3. #3


    by the way its been patched... so that means it wont work... i suggest u get CheatersChoice, its the same steps

  4. #4


    where can i get cheaterschoice? is it on d2sectors dl list?

  5. #5
    Uber Noobling jedimaster86's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Battle Tag


    here, read this: i wrote it awhile back and then noticed that not too many ppl play mods. BW's drop 'N Dupe Mod is my favorite of the drop mods, and still works on 1.10. once a unique drops it won't drog again until you make a new game. duplicate set pieces, however, can drop in a game. you can place an item in the cube, hit transmute, and if 3 of that item can fit in the cube it'll triplicate itself. sometimes if 2 can fit in it it will just duplicate itself (this is the 'dupe' part of the mod).

    CCM4 (cheaters choice mod 4) is also nice, as it has a waypoint that you can take to the cow level. the cow level itself was hugely increased. in this mod duplicates of set and unique items can drop.there is a thing in act 5 to "The Seven" where you'll face the 7 different sins and battle them out. i think there is also a thing in act 3 town which takes you to "the dark side" of the town. i, however, have never gotten into it because its crashed my game every time. you can downlaod this in the download section of this site.

    just so ya know, most mods will come with readme files that tell you how to install the mod. its usually cool just to follow the instructions, if it is replacing files in the d2 directory then u should just prolly folly my way that i described in that link at the top.

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