i just made it in few mins... is it anygood? (most likely i think it is gonan turn out bad, but yeh... tell me what you think about it)

Stats - enough for equip
Dex - 150ish
Vita - rest
Nergy- none

Helm - dream (Holy shock)
Armor - coh or fortitude (Most likly Coh for +skill and smiters arent too bad with coh)
Wep1 - Doom (holy freeze)
Wep2 - Cta (bo..)
Shield1 - phoenix (nice ED)
Shield2- spirit (+2 skills)
Ring - Bk BK (+skill and ll)
Ammy - Maras (+ skill and resist)
Glove - Dracs
Boots - gore rider
Belt - spider or dungo

Max Smite
Max Holy Shield
Max Fanta
Max Foh
Max Holy Bolt
rest on conviction

(im not sure about the skills... might be too much skills to add)