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Thread: Editor Bug

  1. #1
    cable guy

    Angry Editor Bug

    Here is the problem; when ever I try to download a trainer a little message pops up on my screen saying: "could not start registered application". I've tried various types of editors but the same thing happens. Is it a problem with my computer or something else? Someone please help me. : :

  2. #2
    ***** Elder Hamel's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Syracuse, New York


    It could be a problem where you saved it , or could be a problem with your computer or how you installed it, and by that way use hero editor..easy to use and should mess up, it also could be missing a file mabey you missed a file while extracting always use ctrl-a

  3. #3
    cable guy


    Quote Originally Posted by Kemwing
    It could be a problem where you saved it , or could be a problem with your computer or how you installed it, and by that way use hero editor..easy to use and should mess up, it also could be missing a file mabey you missed a file while extracting always use ctrl-a
    Hey thanks for the reply, man. But i should have mentioned earlier that the note pops up before any of the files finish downloading. I try editors from this site and as soon as I hit the "I agree" button the note pops up. I guess my computer's screwed.

  4. #4


    You have a problem with you isp most likely.

  5. #5
    The Unoriginal Painter
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    maybe its your save folder? and abiosis plz change ur sig i like it and all but it gets in my brain and hurts me its all flashy

  6. #6
    cable guy


    Yeah, thats what I thought........................................... .. I gotta take a shit. : : : :

  7. #7


    I have no clue whats up with that i have the same problem........

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