View Poll Results: Would you pay to play Diablo III online?

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  • Yes, Diablo for life!

    7 11.86%
  • Depends on how good the game looks.

    19 32.20%
  • No, paying to play sucks,

    33 55.93%
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Results 21 to 40 of 73
  1. #21


    i don't think i whould look, if u pay for this game its a waste of money cause sooner or later u will get over it it might not be in 1 day or 1 year could be 4 years but still think of it is it really worth the money, like wut if u get scamed or sumthing u just waste your money.

  2. #22
    Forum Elder
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    Default diablo i got hacked alot...if you p2p then you could get hacked and have to start all over

  3. #23
    The Unoriginal Painter
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    id get a free cracked version :

  4. #24
    F*** SLIMP
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    Quote Originally Posted by ducky01
    id get a free cracked version :
    eh that's just cuz you're a bad boy. actually, id play according to the price and the game.

  5. #25


    No....Even at 1$CAN per month I wouldn't....paying 4 the game is enough

    And anywayz...Mom wouldn't let me to do

  6. #26


    i wouldnt do it same as alot of people have siad y the heck did i buy teh game if im goign to have to pay for it online, its going to cost mroe than the game did, and thats bull

  7. #27


    diablo for life

    but if its p2p , count me out:

  8. #28
    Forum Elder
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    Nov 2004


    if the game looked awesome and didnt cost to much to play i would.

  9. #29
    T3h Retard [/Tool]
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    Turn around.


    I would definitely, and here's why:
    Ever noticed that the last patch for D2 came out two years ago? Ever noticed that when you log in, the newest news articile is three years old? That's because Blizzard has severely cut back the amount of people monitoring and updating the game. In fact, there are only one or two admins on Diablo at any given time. Blizzard did this because they can't spend as much money now as when they started out, because the game isn't pay-to-play. When the game was released, the only source of income was the game sales. After a while, the game sales begin to run dry, and Blizzard sells only a few hundred Diablo's per month, or even per year. This is not enough to sustain the servers, moderators, etc. What this means is that Diablo II has not been updated for the past several years, and Blizzard has no authority, if not, then at least very little, over the Diablo servers because they can't pay for Moderators because they are no longer getting enough income. Even without Moderators they are losing money, although not quickly. Eventually, the Diablo servers will be closed down, depending on how much money they are losing. However, with pay-to-play, Blizzard is always gaining money, so they have enough money to install and maintain several servers, hire multiple Moderators, and keep them occupied for as long as they want, as long as there are people playing the game. In Diablo II, they could only do that as long as people are buying, and then it was over. The main reason I'd buy a pay-to-play game is because the online community was nicer, the Moderators are actually there, and the updates come monthly no matter how long the game has been out.
    Even with this, however, Diablo II is performing well, so I would prefer a free-to-play game, although I wouldn't mind it otherwise. Good day!

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Paris, France


    depends of the gameplay

  11. #31


    Quote Originally Posted by Beefy Behind
    I would definitely, and here's why:
    Ever noticed that the last patch for D2 came out two years ago? Ever noticed that when you log in, the newest news articile is three years old? That's because Blizzard has severely cut back the amount of people monitoring and updating the game. In fact, there are only one or two admins on Diablo at any given time. Blizzard did this because they can't spend as much money now as when they started out, because the game isn't pay-to-play. When the game was released, the only source of income was the game sales. After a while, the game sales begin to run dry, and Blizzard sells only a few hundred Diablo's per month, or even per year. This is not enough to sustain the servers, moderators, etc. What this means is that Diablo II has not been updated for the past several years, and Blizzard has no authority, if not, then at least very little, over the Diablo servers because they can't pay for Moderators because they are no longer getting enough income. Even without Moderators they are losing money, although not quickly. Eventually, the Diablo servers will be closed down, depending on how much money they are losing. However, with pay-to-play, Blizzard is always gaining money, so they have enough money to install and maintain several servers, hire multiple Moderators, and keep them occupied for as long as they want, as long as there are people playing the game. In Diablo II, they could only do that as long as people are buying, and then it was over. The main reason I'd buy a pay-to-play game is because the online community was nicer, the Moderators are actually there, and the updates come monthly no matter how long the game has been out.
    Even with this, however, Diablo II is performing well, so I would prefer a free-to-play game, although I wouldn't mind it otherwise. Good day!
    I completaly agree, the last time I have seen a moderator on Diablo II it was on USWest, and he was afk, or not responding to my questions about the servers : and that was about 1 year ago. I think that if they came out with a Diablo III or a Diablo II ExpII then it would have to be the best game ever, and would have to be completaly addicting, like GTA:1-San Andreas. To even come remotley close to the legacy that the Diablo Series has created, not only would it have to be the biggest and baddest game in existence, it would have to have a completaly new storyline because this crap of diablo coming back, just won't cut it for a pay to play game. SO I think that if they came out with a Diablo III or ExpII, and it WAS a pay to play game, it would have to have mods like crazy, because if I am correct, a couple of my freinds alone, would make this game no more fun to play. It would become another Diablo II Exp 1.09, and we all know that was just total chaos. Which is why I think that 1.10 was just a simple solution. Perhaps it was to lead us off in thinking that the servers are going to be slowly shut down one by one. Then when we least expect it, BOOM, Diablo III comes to the rescue. Well, that was my simple suggestion to this poll, if anyone agrees, which I think most will, I would love to talk about Diablo III storylines, plots, etc... DIABLO 4 EVER!!!

    Xell, Leader of [1c] NHA and
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    All of which are for sale, if you want one whisp me on bnet, I'm usually on packetattack, Cya laterz 0,0

  12. #32


    nah, i just started d2 lod, i didn't pay $30 bucks to play for 2 weeks and then switch.

  13. #33
    Thats Mr. To You
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    May 2005


    I would pay 30 bucks if it was like d2 but lot better. If it was like FFXI and WoW then I would not pay for it.

  14. #34

  15. #35


    I would defenitely pay for it since the player that woul d be there would be serious players who are not there to **** around at least i think because i know i would not pay just to **** around with other players who are trying to have fun and conquer the ga me itself..... so yes i would pay but no more then 30 $$ for a year

  16. #36
    Veteran Screwloose's Avatar
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    After their decision to make WoW p2p It's obvious that a D3 will follow the same formula, no company goes backwards. I have been playing D2 for several hours a day since it came out, I have tried dozens of games since but none can replace D2 for me. So I will be really looking forward to a most have said..depends on the fee

  17. #37


    i would totally pay for it i bacically get as much time as i can a day on it. I think that all of the people in blizzard should make it p2p becuz the people who really like it would play = less noobs = more fun and i think that more people will start to play becuz it actually has a everyday staff = MORE $

  18. #38
    Join Date
    Jun 2004


    **** that, i say if your gonna pay to play an online rpg, you seriously do not have a social life because:
    A. If your paying, your obviously not gonna waste your money and only play sometimes.
    B. Your paying to play an RPG, one of the biggest stereotypical "nerd" games.
    C. You obviously have nothing esle to do with your money then to spend it on an online game.

    My two cents..but whatever floats your boat.

  19. #39
    F*** SLIMP
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    I mean, you have a good point, but if it's 10 bucks a month, and I have a steady job, bringing in around 300-400 bucks a month, and I'm at home (so no room/board) I can afford 10 bucks a month. I wouldn't play it all the time, I have a social life, and it'd be nice to have something to do in my down time.

    Good reasoning, but my goal would be to find the happy medium.

  20. #40


    I am lacking in the required post count on this site to post a URL. I am sorry that I did not know this and I will make an effort to correct this.

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