View Poll Results: Would you pay to play Diablo III online?

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  • Yes, Diablo for life!

    7 11.86%
  • Depends on how good the game looks.

    19 32.20%
  • No, paying to play sucks,

    33 55.93%
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Results 61 to 73 of 73
  1. #61


    Diablo isn't the type of game that is pay to play oO
    Pay to play requires some things to make it work and to make people pay:
    1) High demanding servers
    2) Continuous development

    Well diablo has never been a huge game, if they make it really huge and let you own a house instead of a chest... really they won't but if they would do such stuff it wouldn't really require a high demanding server even. Just the fact that it's two dimensional make the demands so much lower.

    Then continuous development? They can't just keep adding skills and classes, no, I don't think this is a possibility either.

    So I'm pretty sure, not even pretty just plain sure it won't be pay2play.
    Planetside was an awesome MMOFPS btw, anyone still plays it?

  2. #62
    Attempter of Things Nethran's Avatar
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    2 dimensional? Have you seen the gameplay for 3 yet?

  3. #63


    Yes, what I mean by 2 dimensional is that the character can move a lot on the X and Y-axis, but not on the Z-axis. And I'm pretty sure that there's not more Z-axis than there is in diablo 2, the kind of Z-axis that has only one point available to walk at at a given X/Y coordinate. In other words: No Z-axis would be required to located players.

  4. #64
    Attempter of Things Nethran's Avatar
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    Barb jump skills sort of use the z axis. >.>

  5. #65


    Absolutely not, i'll probably wait 'till a server emulator'll come out and then i'll play it, but then again blizzard didn't say anything about a p2p system and more, if it's on bnet then i'm not worring too mouch (don't know why tough ) but all the past bnet games were b2p.

  6. #66
    Senior Member Arc's Avatar
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    Simply put, No.

    I already pay for WoW, I don't need to be putting out another 30 dollars a month on another game.

  7. #67


    That's the spirit laddy , but if there's something i cannot possibly understand that is the fact that there are a lot of people on bnet forums, and maybe on other forums aswell that keep yelling "we want p2p diablo 3" :| . So i don't get it, noone asks anybody for money and they say they want to pay for d3, if they have so mouch money that they can give it to blizzard why don't they simply check them, or mke a paypal transfer, or i don't know...get layd :)) i mean there are a lot of possibilities you have with 15 bucks a month, you don't hve to give them to blizzard which to be honest could live very well without the poor guy's 15 bucks .

  8. #68
    Attempter of Things Nethran's Avatar
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    15 bucks a month is a lot of Ramen Noodles! Right? Riiight?

  9. #69


    No. Period.

  10. #70
    Newcomer eralebus's Avatar
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    most likely would, I've done many p2p games, why should one I've been wanting and waiting for be any different. Yeah it sucks but well worth it if they use to money to help the community

  11. #71


    I already pay 13ish bucks a month to fuel another addiction.

    No thanks.

  12. #72
    Forum Member Fallen Archangel's Avatar
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    I'm on the unemployed and poor side, mooching off my parents for internet. So at this point in

    I would like to play WoW but that is just time and money I don't have and
    I don't see D3 being as good online as WoW is.
    I'm content to just hook up with some kick ass people and Bnet D2.

  13. #73


    Blasphemy! Burn the witch!

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