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Results 41 to 48 of 48
  1. #41


    In ______ We Trust... That would really **** off zealots. But anyway, MedicineMan, you're taking this too literally. Although Kemwing BRIEFLY discussed NASCAR, the point that is trying to be made is that America labels everyone a Christian, which is wrong.

  2. #42
    ***** Elder qweeve's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    western, pa


    First off let me say "F" god. Second, the majority of people in the U.S. are christians, majority wins. Non christians=owned

  3. #43


    Quote Originally Posted by qweeve
    First off let me say "F" god. Second, the majority of people in the U.S. are christians, majority wins. Non christians=owned
    You keep "F"ing god, you small *****ed nazi.

  4. #44


    Qweeve, ever since I saw you post that the Indonesians deserved being killed by the thousands and the population over there needed thinning out, I've been blatantly ignoring many of your posts. You're really quite a ignorant and pathetic person, in my opinion.

  5. #45


    My my. This thread went crazy. Flame wars has been revived! YAY!

  6. #46


    Quote Originally Posted by RtD-Rookie
    In ______ We Trust... That would really **** off zealots. But anyway, MedicineMan, you're taking this too literally. Although Kemwing BRIEFLY discussed NASCAR, the point that is trying to be made is that America labels everyone a Christian, which is wrong.
    True. Maybe I should pay less attention to thread titles.

    I think it depends where you are. If you're in the south (me), there are more Christians down here. If you are in the New York or California area, you're bound to find more non-Christians. Overall, I think that the country is divided. Half Christian, half non-Christian. I know that I previously said that I think the majority of the country is non-Christian but I changed my mind.

  7. #47
    Hooker with a Pen!s
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    West Des Moines, Iowa


    ... I stopped reading this thread after Kemwing proved to me he didn't know what a hypocrite is. =\

  8. #48
    ***** Elder Hamel's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Syracuse, New York


    Ha, I know what a hypocrite is. Its when you say you shouldnt do something and then you do it basically. So you might wanna stop infering things about me ok bud?

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