Roses are red.
Violets are blue.
Dont let him get his bod.
Or he'll Nk you.
Someone else could have already posted this one.
Roses are red.
Violets are blue.
Dont let him get his bod.
Or he'll Nk you.
Someone else could have already posted this one.
lool, good one :)
Havent played SC in awhile, so I dunno what NK is. What is it?
Nk = Naked kill
Man your dumb
thats good to know
NK on hardcore. Cannot exist. One body dies they all do
Here's another one:
Once you're in, there's no way out.
heh nice poem. something i can relate to lol
Yeh it happens alot ?
hey i got one:
Roses Are Red
Violets Are Blue
You Are A Newb So I Hate YOU
heh good one (hope that isnt directed at me)
Immortal's was really good...
I think it touched us all inside
....i mean that in the least gay way possible
hehe thx
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