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  1. #1

    Default question about zealer

    what would be the best items to use for a zealer? this is what i think but will someone correct me if i'm wrong because i am trying to make sure that i get all the right items.

    wep-ebotdz/ebotd warpike/schaefers(the one im using right now) (what would be best one to use)
    armor-coh/stone/enigma (which is best to use?)
    boots-sandstorm/goreriders (which one?)
    gloves-soul drainer/drac's (which one?)
    ring(s)-1xangelic, carrion wind (or 2 angelic or what?)
    helm-gaze/delirium/coa(but i cant afford one of those) (which would be best?)

    if you could give me some good advice on what i should use that would be great.

  2. #2


    armor- not too sure, maybe CoH, fortitude or enigma? Depends which you like.
    shield-exile for melee

  3. #3
    Veteran Cauhtemoc's Avatar
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    Weapon: Ethereal Breath of the Dying Berzerker Axe, without doubt.
    Armor: Fortitude. Huge bonus to Damage, and chance to cast Chilling Armor.
    Shield: Ethereal Exile Vortex Shield, the defence this offers is just too good.
    Boots: Gore Riders. They have Open Wounds, Crushing Blow and Deadly Strike, need I say more?
    Gloves: Seeing as you already have Life Tap from Exile, I'd say either Steelrends or Bloodfist. Steelrends offer Crushing Blow and Enhanced Damage, Bloodfist offer Increased Attack Speed and Faster Hit Recovery.
    Rings: You need Attack Rating, so dual Angelics is a must.
    Amulet: Angelics, of course.
    Belt: Verdungo's Hearty Cord. It offers 15% Damage Reduction, and a huge bonus to Vitality.
    Helm: Guillaume's Face is almost ideal for this. Crushing Blow, Deadly Strike and Faster Hit Recovery, need I say more?

    If there's anything else you need help with, just ask. :)

    EDIT: Spelling

  4. #4
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    weapon: BotD etheral
    shield: HoZ Eth, socket with zod if possible (the stat bonuses are GREAT)
    boots: Gore Riders
    Gloves: Steelrends
    Rings: angel/raven (dual angels when pvp and early game if your going fanta/zeal you wont need when you have max zeal and fanta ar bonuses)
    Ammy: Angel
    Helm: Guillaume's Face
    Belt: thats up to you.
    Armor: Stone or Enigma if you absolutely MUST you can use Guardian Angel or Fort but really try and use Stone or Enigma.
    "One murder makes a villain, millions a hero. "
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  5. #5
    MS guy Silver Ice's Avatar
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    in my opinion
    ebotd zerker or ultra rare eth +400% zerker with 40% ias self repair chance to cast amp and 1-2 sockets
    cham ber coa or cham guiham's face
    shield, either phoenix with a based 65% ed shield for an immense 465% ed or eth exile vortex
    fortitude armor
    gores are the only boots
    dracs for gloves
    perf dr verd for belt
    angelic rings and ammy
    switch, cta+spirit shield.
    phoenix or exileis your choice

    lol nice one aznavatar.

  6. #6
    Forum Elder ArcaneSupremacy's Avatar
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    first, state if u're on ladder or non-ladder.

    second, who brainwashed all of u? kevorski, if u're on NL i'll show u why u wouldn't use exile.

  7. #7


    wow this is very helpful all thanks!

  8. #8
    Forum Elder ArcaneSupremacy's Avatar
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    and i hope this will be useful too...
    here's an older post i made regarding exile, which i conveniently saved on my comp. it should cover everything u need to know about it. if anyone needs me to explain this stuff in the future, i can just copy and paste .

    Quote from Mortic.
    22.5k ar
    35k def (no prebuff)
    chance to hit eth templar/exile = 33%

    eth templar/exile/angelics:
    20k ar
    45k def (no prebuff)
    chance to hit eth templar/hoz = 36%

    As you can see there is no real bonus from the defense and defiance of exile. From experience exile will win if life tap is casted when the exile user still has over 50% life left. Otherwise, other shield user has the advantage of higher damage. End Quote from Mortic.

    Quoted from Stoutwood:
    That's how you hit someone with 45k defense. The difference between the two is negligible. And yes, if someone has 19k defense without Exile, they will get KO'ed in one or two zeals. That is obscenely low defense whether or not you are an Exile user. End Quote from Stoutwood.


    as proven, the def u get with exile won't make much def unless ur def without exile is unspeakably low. an equally effective amount of def can easily be achieved by other means.

    exile = lower blocking than alma negra, hoz, or ss = more pts in dex = fewer pts in vit = lower life. also, exile has no +stats = more pts in str to use other gear = fewer pts in vit = lower life. i have tested various setups in single player and have found that i get 300-500 less life (before BO) with exile setups. not worth the few % lower chance of getting hit IMO.

    regarding the life tap, 20% chance to cast (exile + dracs) is about once every 5 hits. most zealots, with or without BO, do not survive 5 hits. even if it triggers early, it won't save u if u die in a couple of hits.

    let's compare the usable stats of exile, alma negra, hoz, and ss...

    high def and defiance
    life tap (i don't even consider it to be much use except in pvm)
    +2 offensive auras
    whatever built-in mods the shield had

    alma negra:
    high blocking
    +2 pally skills
    enhanced dmg
    enhanced ar
    1 extra socket

    high blocking
    +2 pally skills and +2 combat skills
    50 res all
    slight ar bonus
    20 dual stats
    1 extra socket

    high blocking
    highest DR of any item in the game (allows versatility in other equipment)
    30 str
    dual resists
    1 extra socket

    exile's only redeeming mods are the high def and defiance, the built-in pally shield mod, and in a few cases the life tap. a friend of mine has 9k damage, 24k ar, 2k life, and 31k def. no cta, no exile, no skill charges. to this day he has never lost a duel to an exile zealot.

    if u're still obsessed with the life tap, why not buy urself a wand with life tap charges from malah for <100k and save a few high runes? if exile is not BM by ur standards, i don't see why life tap wands should be.

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    Quote Originally Posted by AznAvatar
    first, state if u're on ladder or non-ladder.

    second, who brainwashed all of u? kevorski, if u're on NL i'll show u why u wouldn't use exile.
    I've looked at Exile and personally I think its the worst shield for a pally unless they are a smiter.
    "One murder makes a villain, millions a hero. "
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  10. #10
    Forum Elder ArcaneSupremacy's Avatar
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    and it's about to get worse for smiters too. +skills from hoz really shows when u're using grief. life tap's not gonna do a thing against 3-4 hit kills.

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    Quote Originally Posted by AznAvatar
    and it's about to get worse for smiters too. +skills from hoz really shows when u're using grief. life tap's not gonna do a thing against 3-4 hit kills.
    Yup. Beyond that Fort is the WORST armor a zealer could use. Hell I would throw a spirit on a zealer before I put a Fort on one, possibly a slight exageration. Stone and Enigma are the two best armors for a pally, Enigma of course being the better of the two.
    "One murder makes a villain, millions a hero. "
    - Beilby Porteus, Death, A Poem

  12. #12
    Forum Elder ArcaneSupremacy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sinner
    Yup. Beyond that Fort is the WORST armor a zealer could use. Hell I would throw a spirit on a zealer before I put a Fort on one, possibly a slight exageration. Stone and Enigma are the two best armors for a pally, Enigma of course being the better of the two.
    i would actually disagree with that. fortitude's 300%ed gives me an extra 1.4k avg dmg, and with the chilling armor on, i have about the same def as i do with my stone setup. although defense is rather overrated, enigma offers far too little defense to be good. below a certain point, low def really starts to show. fortitude beats enigma in terms of dmg, life boost, as well as defense.

    grief + fort is serving my ladder zealot well. 2-3 hits kill an average zealot.

    right now, my 3 favorite zealot armors are fortitude, stone, and eth gbane.

  13. #13
    MS guy Silver Ice's Avatar
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    umm sinner do u mean exile being the worst armor for a zealot to use. fort gives massive %ed and defense from chilling armor, and a few other stats

    forts 300% dmg on an ebotd zerker would add 400x3.0 extra dmg based that your ebotd zerker does 400 dmg or more.

  14. #14


    sinner may i ask y u think enigma is best? all i can see is life and skills, tele aint gonna do muich since u will tele so slow. btu w/e floats yer boat

  15. #15


    so should i sell my exile then? if i should, what could i get out of it? the mod on it is +40 resists.

    also what should i use? HoZ or ss? i have them both on my zealer.

  16. #16
    Veteran Cauhtemoc's Avatar
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    I would have used an Exile, but that's just me. :)

    But either way, even a low Herald of Zakarum is superior to a Stormshield, in almost every way.

    Your Exile really needs to be something like a Ethereal Vortex Shield with a high Enhanced Damage and Attack Rating or Resistances if it's going to be competitive against an upped Herald of Zakarum.

  17. #17
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    I would use an up'd eth zod'ed HoZ over Exile but feel free to use what ever you feel comfortable with.
    "One murder makes a villain, millions a hero. "
    - Beilby Porteus, Death, A Poem

  18. #18
    Veteran Cauhtemoc's Avatar
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    If you up any armor, it'll loose its added defence.

  19. #19
    Silent_killers Silent_killers's Avatar
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    When you up armor, it gains defense.

  20. #20
    Forum Elder ArcaneSupremacy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cauhtemoc
    I would have used an Exile, but that's just me. :)

    But either way, even a low Herald of Zakarum is superior to a Stormshield, in almost every way.

    Your Exile really needs to be something like a Ethereal Vortex Shield with a high Enhanced Damage and Attack Rating or Resistances if it's going to be competitive against an upped Herald of Zakarum.
    apparently u don't see the importance of physical dmg reduction and blocking chance.

    HoZ is not superior to a Stormshield for the following reasons:
    - resists are not important in melee duels
    - +skills don't benefit melee chars all that much
    - no dmg reduction
    stormshield's high blocking and DR allows much more flexibility in ur other gear.

    allow me to summarize one of my previous posts, if u haven't bothered to read it.

    exile is inferior for the following reasons:
    - 15% ctc life tap, 19.25% if u also use dracs, which is about 1 in every 5-6 hits. chances are, u won't survive that many hits, nor will ur opponent. if u need life tap to win, u should consider revising ur build. btw, a life tap charged wand = 100% ctc life tap.
    - low blocking. more dex is required to max blocking, which means lower life.
    - defense is overrated. there is a ~3% difference in chance of getting hit between 35k def and 45k def. that's before factoring in blocking.

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