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  1. #1

    Default Request-A-Module

    I googled in "RiZaeL" due to some huge rare boredom, and I seen my name on one of the posts, it happened to be one of my tutorials (Which was sadly copy and pasted without credit :)

    So, this is basically where you request a module, and I will make it to the best of my abilities, with a link to the download, along with the source.


    • Must be within D2's Limits (Of Course)
    • No exploit-required requests
    • Must be for D2Hackit or D2CH (For now, I'm learning how to make standalone ATM)


  2. #2
    MS guy Silver Ice's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2004


    umm.... ok im not quite sure on the rules but i was wondering if you could make a better follow module for people who self rush characters. this module would have 1 high lvl sorc killing everything and a low lvl sorc standing in town until a tp comes then going through the tp when the sorc says "tp" or something like that, the sorc would also know how to click onto the viper temple altar to get the ammy and also how to put the viper ammy+horadric shaft and transmute to make the horadric staff. the character would also know how to put the staff into the orifice or if none of this is possible just make the low lvl sorc enter tps by itself somehow.

  3. #3


    hey rizael.... weren't you on blizzhackers?

    anyways... i was wondering could you give me a link to a golddropper... i remeber you made a program called tools4? that had a golddropper .... Greatly appreciate it if you can do something :)

  4. #4


    I'd like a module that do rightskill constantly as a loop

    I put it on ID SKILL and it anti-idles me when I'm afk

    But, presently, I gotta put something heavy on rightclick for it to work ( rofl... )

    Would be easiest to simply load a module.........plz

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