Some of you may know that Baaling is good XP. But it's also a hassle because it takes soo long to get to a high level. Well, there is a glitch in the game that lets you get level 1 characters into Hell. Now, you might be saying, "D00d ju wnt gte xp!one!1" Well, it's simple. Just do Chaos Sanctuary runs. It's very simple and gets you to about level 60 in around an hour and a half, depending on how many people you have with you. My own personal record is 10 levels in one game. (25-35) Here is how you do it.
First - Rush a character to Act 5. This is so you can get the Baal quest.
Second - Join a game that is for Baal quest. You can find your own or, easier, make your own and sometimes people will join who need quest. After minions someone who needs the quest MUST be in the Worldstone Chamber and kill Baal. The whole time you're doing this step you must be in Harrogath. That way you get the glitch that lets you have Baal quest.
Third - Get rushed in Nightmare to Act 5 again.
Fourth - Repeat step 2 but in Nightmare.
Fifth - Get rushed to Act 4. I suggest when you're doing Diablo you TP at the entrance to the Chaos Sanctuary so that your level 1 char will get XP. You should get to about level 9 or so first run.
Sixth - From here on out you'll want to do Chaos runs. It gets hard around 20-24 so you might want to do cow runs then and at 24 do your Normal Ancients. At level 25 you can get MASSIVE levels in one game. I know Pantallica's record is 13. Anyway, you'll want to Chaos to level 59 at which point you do your Nightmare Ancients. After Nightmare Ancients you'll do your Hell Ancients and then Hell Baal on out.
I suggest you do Chaos runs in public.