ok. yesterday i was looking through the computer game section at my local Best Buy, and i decided i wanted a new mmorpg (or w/e u call it), so i chose UT2004 as that game. anyways, i went to install it on my computer, and i need new drivers to run it. at least thats what i think. here is the error message it gives me when i double click the icon on my desktop to run the game:

Quote Originally Posted by tyler's computer
Critical Error
Please enagle Direct3D acceleration. You can do this by starting dxdiag and enabling Direct3D Acceleration in the Display1/2 tab after installing DirectX 8.1b (or later) and the latest drivers for your graphics card.

where do i get drivers for my graphics card.
also, how do i get to where it tells me what kind of graphics card i even have? lol.

any help is greatly appreciated:) .

also, if it helps, when i 'run dxdiag' it says my directx version is 'DirectX9.0c' then it has some numbers in parentheses.