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  1. #1
    Forum Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    In chicken land.

    Default Rushing and Leveling

    I along with a few friends are beginning to rush and level players on d2 US East sc nl. We will be doing grushings, nm and hell rushes, and hell chaos leveling. Charges do apply.

    Rushing- Grush=2xSojs, Nm=Forge, Hell=1xSoj, or Forge.

    Chaos Leveling= 1-60 will be 2xSojs, and 25-60 will be 1xSoj.

    There can also be combinations such as grush and chaos lvling, hell rush and chaos lvling, nm and hell rush, nm hell rush chaos lvling, etc.....

    We do accept other forms of payment such as other items then the above listed.

    Thank you for your time.:)

    You can reach me on d2 at /w *kfc-fallenheart or you can just leave a pm here on

  2. #2


    Nice wish, in the event that anybody would actually want to do this, you would either make them pay first, which they wouldn't because they would probably think you'd scam them.

    OR, they'd pay after, but just leave after then chaosing or something.

    And if anybody would waste money for a rush and chaos which you could do youself in a couple of hours, thats really sad.

  3. #3


    ya, gl with that business, itll take a really rich or dumb really lazy person

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