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  1. #1

    Default dclone question??

    will diablo walks the earth appear if dclone is dead???
    can d not spawn but still it says d walks the earth???
    is there a time limit that he spawns and disappear???
    will d clones ashes disappear when he dieds or will it stay there??
    can a tals sorc kill dclone lvl 87???

    i have these question cuz i joined a game my friend made and he said that d spawned when he made game and he said noone killed have killed him cuz everyone was under 90 and the best guy there was a tals sorc... and i took over and hour checking every possiblity of where he is going to spawn and no sign.... well neone who can answer my question i will be greatful and donate some points.. thx :

  2. #2
    Forum Elder
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    Jan 2004
    South Park


    DClone spawns at the first unqiue monster you come across after u see "Diablo Walks The Earth" So if your in stony and it says that and you come across Rakishu by the Trist portal instean of Rakishi Dclone will be there.

  3. #3
    ***** Ancient
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    depends on what element of sorce, also if she had a lower resist wand or not. youll know when he was there cuz as soon as you join if hes dead or not it will say diablo walks the earth. no time limit or anything, he cant spawn twice in the same game, and his ashes should stay

    most of the dc questions were answered over a year ago, do a search

  4. #4
    ¿Ü g1Éb Dúp? TuNa-FisH_SuShI's Avatar
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    yes the "diablo walks the earth" still says that even if they already killed dclone in that game

    dclone will always spawn at the nearest super unique monster after the "diablo walks the earth" message is said

    their is not a timelimit except he probably wont last long because once it says "diablo walks the earth" everyone will be after him and he might be dead before you can get to him

    dclones ashes should stay there but probably dissappears after a couple minutes

    tals sorc might be able to kill diablo because you never know if they have infinity on merc + 10 cold gcs they could probably ezily take out dclone but most tals sorcs probably cant take out dclone because he has 95% resist all

  5. #5


    thx that answers it ill donate some points :)

    tahu and shushi i dont 250 to each thx and zak i donate not alot but some points to u thx all

  6. #6
    Retired S.Mod A|fzZz's Avatar
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    Sushi dun forget about cold mastery and facets..

    btw 250 is nothing to them

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  7. #7


    well 250 alot to me lol

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