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  1. #1

    Default Is it just me or.....

    Does it seem like certain items run in cycles as far as drops. I mean some weeks you can find 20 of one item and none of another then the next you find 20 of some other item. A couple weeks ago I kept finding stupid ma'vinas gloves over and over and over. Lately it looks like its been cathans There are some things that seem like they never drop and they suck. Like i've never in all my time playing found an arcannas amulet but I've found fathoms, runes, Coa?

  2. #2
    Novice Kingsrookie's Avatar
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    lol it sounds like you mf in norm what ur looking for are in hell

  3. #3


    no i'm serious. Theres other things i find that are really good but certain things that during certain periods of time seem like they drop more than anything else. They arent always crap items. The cathans ammy is just what i'm finding alot of the past week or so. I've been finding alot of occulus' too this week. I mf in hell in the pit, andy, and mephisto.

  4. #4
    Back from the dead
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    In one week of NM botting I accumulated a whole stash of hel runes. Not to mention but a butt load of sol's and dol's, I think an invetory full of those two runes. I'm yet to have a Lum week though.
    "One murder makes a villain, millions a hero. "
    - Beilby Porteus, Death, A Poem

  5. #5
    F*** SLIMP
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    Hmm....Only cycle I've ever noticed is finding weeks of SHIT.

  6. #6


    i've had one of those weeks for the last month. lol. Seems like i'm not finding stuff like i was a month ago. Mephisto seems to give a pile of crap lately.

  7. #7


    Mephisto...I stopped MFing there and just kept to pindleskin and andy, and occasionally the pit. If Meph starts dropping good stuff again, let me know...

  8. #8
    Hooker with a Pen!s
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    Happens to me a lot. One night I'll find a shitload of Shakos, next Travs, next Gris helms. I sell most of 'em. =\

  9. #9


    I bet this is the most godly sash ever...

    <table border="0" cellpadding="5" width="100%"> <tbody><tr><td align="center"><name ="lenymo"> <center>Lenymo</center> <center>Sash</center>
    </name></td> <td> Defense: 2
    Required Level: 7
    Durability: 12
    8 Boxes
    Regenerate Mana 30%
    All Resistances +5
    +15 To Mana
    +1 To Light Radius
    (Spawns In Any Patch)
    </td></tr></tbody> </table>
    Since I've been playing D2 for 1 ½ years now (including single player), I have never found that sash anywhere, and the farthest I've gotten in Single Player without hacking is act 1 nightmare... if anybody got it on west ladder I'll pay pul for it

  10. #10


    I find that alot when i mf on andy for some reason....when i find one arach or one shako or sumtin like that i usally find like 2 more that day....not like i am complaining

  11. #11
    OH LAWWDY BlindMansTicket's Avatar
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    Salt Lake City


    I thought I was the only one that never found one. Another thing i've never found is the unique club.

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