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  1. #1

    Default Music Suggestion for Site

    I was thinking to myself while i was just sitting on this site with no sound or nething on it.....And i thought i would be kool if spit or chesh could possibly imput some music for the site...

    I personally dont care what kind of music you put on the site and mayb some suggestions for music would be available to say....but i just hate sitting in silence sometimes, it bothers me lol

    I dont know if there is a thread like this alrdy or if this has been brought up before, but i was thinking of it and i thought it would be a kool idea if there was some music or sumtin and i understand that the forums alone are a big job to take care or and this would prob make the site a lil slower mayb, i dont know i havent rly made a site lol,

    But if mayb u could possibly do this, it would be very kool lol

    Well thx if u read ne of this haha, and if you think it is a dumb idea then just say so

  2. #2

  3. #3
    ***** Elder Muse's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2003


    yes i agree with pant, get your own music lol.

    I do not condone downloading music for free. it is illegal.

    Edit: Stupid post my *** look at the one above me.

  4. #4


    First of all i aint gonna dl any music cuz thats gay lol.....second of i would like the site itself to have music on it i think that would be kool

  5. #5
    ***** Elder Muse's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2003


    yes i understand your point, but instead of wasting the servers space and my 56k why dont you just get your own music. me me me

  6. #6


    So go buy a CD and toss it in your CD Rom drive?
    People think that if you use winamp or media player, you automatically have to have downloaded music. I have a CD collection of over 100, and I use media player to rip them to .mp3's on my computer. I've downloaded a few songs here and there. My playlist totals about 8000 (8 thousand) unique songs.

    Just toss a few CDs onto your computer. Spit doesn't have the time to add something like that to the site.

  7. #7


    Sux, i thought it would be a fun idea....oh well .......but still i hate silence and i dont feel like loading all those songs on my comp and storeing them in the media player lol......pure laziness.....i will deal with silence

  8. #8
    ***** Ancient CheshireCat's Avatar
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    Mar 2004
    Tree, Wonderland


    That would be me that doesnt have time to do something like that since Spit is busy otherwise anyway.
    It would take too much bandwidth, and it would create too high of a server load.
    Not to mention I would have to actually buy the songs, and figure out a way to make it so it would stream but not be downloaded onto your HDD. Too much of a pain........CBA

    EDIT: Look at my 1337 post ;-)

  9. #9


    Oh well it was just an idea..... i wish i had rep points i feel lonly with my one and looking at chesh makes me feel worthless

  10. #10
    ***** Ancient CheshireCat's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Tree, Wonderland


    Quote Originally Posted by Kill_Slayer
    i wish i had rep points
    Earn them then.

  11. #11


    It's because you ARE worthless.

    Anyway - Case closed, I guess. Just buy a CD, dude.

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