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  1. #1
    Retired S.Mod A|fzZz's Avatar
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    Default Finding Diablo Clone and FAQ

    In this post is all you need to know about the Diablo Clone.

    Lightning Inferno level 2
    Cold Hand level 2
    Fire Nova level 4
    Firewall level 8
    DiabWall level 2
    Diablogeddon level 5
    Bone Cage level 1
    You can leech 15% (example, you have 20 leech, 15% of 20 leech)
    50% Damage Reduce
    50% Magic Reduce
    75% all Resistances
    50% chance to Block
    642,700 HP
    Level 110
    4-10 Life Regeneration

    How he spawns:
    The Diablo Clone only spawns on the Battle.Net Realms. To get him to spawn, you must sell SoJs to any merchant. The SoJs sold apply to the IP that the game is made on. When you sell an SoJ, a message in gold comes out saying: XXXX Stones of Jordan Sold to Merchants, the XXXX being the number of SoJs that have been sold on that IP. When the SoJ "counter" gets to a certain number (random), the Diablo Clone spawns in every Hell game made on an IP. You will know when the Clone spawns when the ground shakes, and a message declaring; Diablo Walks The Earth. Look at [not]nublitoria's sig pic to see what it looks like. When you get this message, THE NEXT SUPER UNIQUE MONSTER YOU GET CLOSE ENOUGH TO WILL SPAWN AS THE DIABLO CLONE.

    Getting him to spawn:
    The folks at have found out that the Diablo Clone spawns on an IP address, in all the hell games. To find out which IP's are hot, head to (edit:it has moved to and join the YOURREALMHERE-DCLONE channel. [server]


    This is the chat channel where you can find out which IP's people are selling on, or have already walked. Now how to find out which IP you are on. To find this, open Command Prompt (command for Windows 9X, cmd for XP and 2000) and type netstat -n | find "4000" while in a game. The IP address that shows up is the server that your game is made on. To get an IP, just keep making games, but do it spaced or you might get IP banned from Battle.Net for a few minutes and miss out on a game. When you find the IP address that you want, get ready to wait for a while. When someone (or you) sells enough SoJs, you'll have a clone to deal with.
    Edit: You don't have to sell an SoJ if someone else is selling at a steady rate. So don't waste them if someone is selling big time.

    Fighting the clone:
    Seeing the stats above, you might be feeling a little nervous. But there are some ways to bring the beast down. Use Prevent Monster Heal (fury works great) and have a Sorcy with Static Field to lower him to half life. A good strategy is to use Smite+Life Tap. Conviction+Meteor is also great to have.


    Use lots of resistance equipment or Salvation. Also, have Prevent Monster Heal, a source of Life Tap (Dracul's Grasp, Exile, a blade from Charsi), and lots of potions. Lightning resist and Fire resist also are a must.

    Your reward:
    After you take down the Diablo Clone, you get the unique small charm, Annihilus.

    Annihilus small charm:
    +1 to all skills
    10-20 to all attributes
    10-20 to resistances
    5-10 to experience gained

    You cannot trade the Annihilus through the window. You don't even need to trade it, because it's a badass charm.

    Why the clone drops the Annihilus, and no other monsters can:
    This is an easy thing, but I got an e-mail a time ago about it. The Diablo Clone's drop level is 110, and that is the Annihilus' drop level too. Also, the Annihilus has its own treasure class that only the Diablo Clone can have.

    I hope this helped anyone who read it. If you have any questions, feel free to E-Mail me at [email protected].
    [courtesy of el matt]

    If You Want To Lose Weight, You NEED To Read This First!

  2. #2


    Nice one. I think youve pretty much cleared up any thoughts or problems of how to find it and kill it. Good job! "@"

  3. #3
    Retired S.Mod A|fzZz's Avatar
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    I do not take much credit for that except posting that and stickying that..

    If You Want To Lose Weight, You NEED To Read This First!

  4. #4


    Well thanks for gathering up all the scattered info, now'll I'll make more of an effort to kill him myself...

  5. #5


    Yea.. I have always'ed have lotsa questions about that and gathering the info made this post very useful to me ty alot afZz

  6. #6


    great guide, thank you!

  7. #7


    if u leave game does he not spawn? and wut if the soj coutn doesnt increase cant u jus wait and see if the server pops cuz 100+ sojs been sold and server hasnt popped....

  8. #8
    Retired S.Mod A|fzZz's Avatar
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    U may stay in that server for days...mayb months till the soj counter rises there....

    If he didnt "walk the earth" leaving game is nohing wrong..

    If You Want To Lose Weight, You NEED To Read This First!

  9. #9


    does everyone get an anni or does one just drop?

  10. #10
    ***** Ancient
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    Just 1.

  11. #11
    Forum Member Silver Power101's Avatar
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    Yeah the wait kind of sucks...I've been waiting for about 9 hours in this game....

  12. #12


    It's ridiculous that 1 drops, there's always the theif in a group. Make sure you have one melee char upfront who can tank like a bear druid, and try to know him, or hav a friend who can tank. This solves any problems, then group can bid on it in items, runes, w/e.
    There's also the paranoid "you'll take my item!" or the "No you'll leave the game!" Just give them your accnt and some collateral, such as a good item.

  13. #13


    what are the good diablo clone ips whare most people prefer to sell thier sojs? cuz ther is many on useast realm not sure what number is hot to find him most often... the one most people prefer to sell sojs too i like to stay idle in that game till he comes yezzer whats the best hot ip for dat

  14. #14
    Veteran Meteor_Knight's Avatar
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    i was playing on USW L when i got a message saying 7000 or so sojs had been sold. 6mins later i had a total of 7messages, each with around 7000 sojs. then dclone spawned. so u dont have to wait long. best way to get anni? 1.) kill him yourself or 2.) use ur melee char with pickit. as soon as it drops it picks since your close enuff

    i got my anni that sucks btw

  15. #15
    Veteran volcom's Avatar
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    great guide! i can honestly say tho, that i've never fought d clone b4.

  16. #16


    Its a cool concept but only 1 charm :-/?

  17. #17


    i wanna get him so bad, but im too weak lol and never get soj's.

  18. #18


    me and my friend killed him easily..ww barb and hammerdin...but he got the charm so i showd him this site so i get my share

    Edit: We both tried to go to the website that shows you hot IPs but it wouldnt come up

  19. #19
    Forum Member Mr.Snoogums's Avatar
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    this is gonna sound really noob-ish, but does Uber Diablo look exactly like big D? i mean, is he a diff color, size , etc.?

  20. #20


    ive also heard if you kill a minion at the same time you kill the clone it drops a hi rune, just a rumor probably fake.

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