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Thread: D2jsp help

  1. #1

    Default D2jsp help

    So I have downloaded d2jsp, the crack, and the scripts, and have tried configuring it so that it runs with my blizzard sorc, but I am having no luck. Every time I run the bot, It gets into a game and my sorc just sits there doing nothing. I have tried to configure the files that I need to, but I can't tell what all I need to configure to get the MephXP bot to work. So if anyone can give me a list of the files i need to configure or a detailed explanation of how the hell to get this to work, i would really appreciate it.

  2. #2
    Don't Fear the Reaper... [The Reaper]'s Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2005


    God..more and more people aren't looking at the stickies...

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