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Thread: Mh

  1. #1

    Default Mh

    ok i have a problem, I have mousepad maphack and I need to know how to do something, im on a laptop so i dont have the numberpad to hit the keys to get the whole map on the screen (automap). I need to know how to change the keys so when i load maphack i can hit a key that is on my laptop to get the automap option. help please?

  2. #2
    Veteran Reaper of Death's Avatar
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    you could just use the numbers at the top or change the config...

  3. #3


    I use a laptop, and there is a key called the font key. You hold that down and then look at the keys you use to type with (letters), then you look for a little thing on the key that says -. The font key should be a different color than the rest of your keys, and this is the color of the little numbers you are looking for.

    Btw, they will all be around each other, mine are 7,8,9,0,u,i,o,p,j,k,l,; but that is with the font key held

  4. #4
    Veteran Reaper of Death's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrbona2
    I use a laptop, and there is a key called the font key. You hold that down and then look at the keys you use to type with (letters), then you look for a little thing on the key that says -. The font key should be a different color than the rest of your keys, and this is the color of the little numbers you are looking for.

    Btw, they will all be around each other, mine are 7,8,9,0,u,i,o,p,j,k,l,; but that is with the font key held
    why dont you just change the config. when you load the mousepad hack it should say something at the bottom like install/remove, edit config, etc. just change it to the keys you like. im tryin to remember this off the top of my head cus i dont use mh anymore cus it glitches.

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