well i know we all are, the damn ip bans they stick upon us, i hope the gods smite blizzard for making realm downs!! But now it doesnt matter, below is a way to get around it. What your doing is loading Diablo on a proxy with an entirely different ip, thus making no more realm down. You will need 1 program which is located here:http://archive.socks.permeo.com/cgi-bin/download.pl

After installation and you open it, you should see this:[img]http://*******.net/include/hot/SC-settings.jpg[/img]

In the field "SOCKS Server:" enter the socks server you are going to use. In the field "Port:" enter the port of the socks server you are using (the default port for a socks server is 1080). Make sure that the socks server you are using is either a Socks 4 or Socks 4/5 server (both v4 and v5 are useable on that server). Make sure that the bullet next to "Socks Version 4" is selected. In the field "SOCKS User ID:" anything is acceptable. Put your name, or your nickname, or simply put "none". Click "Apply" and "OK" and proceed.

Step 6: You'll have a window that looks like this:


Press the "New" Button. You'll get a box that looks like this:


For "Profile Name:" you can enter anything, for this tutorial I'm going to use "Diablo II". In "Command Line:" you can either type out the path to your Diablo II file or you can click the Browse button and find it easier. If you used the Browse method, then the "Working Directory" was automatically filled in for you. If you typed it in manually, you can leave the "Working Directory" blank and click OK. It will fill it in for you. Before you press OK it should look like this:


If it is correct, press OK and procede to the next step.

Side Note: If you run Diablo II in windowed mode, or use the -mpq or other extensions, you can edit them in the "Command Line:" part.

Step 7: Now select the profile that you made. Click on the button that says "Run!" labeled below.


Step 8: Play the game (or use the application) as you usually would. But, now you are connecting to the game server through the socks server, which acts as a "inbetween man". The game server see's the socks server's IP instead of yours. And you just screwed over Blizzards ip ban!! WOOT gotta love it.

Here is a site for free proxies: http://www.checker.freeproxy.ru/chec...ed_proxies.php

the site will give i sumthin like this: During set up, you would enter everything before : in server, and the numbers after in port. So: Server would be and Port would be 8080.

I take no credit for this, this comes from *******.net