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Results 21 to 27 of 27
  1. #21


    so ur saying the only way I can get a DL of un-cracked d2jsp is if someone DOESNT PM the link...?
    if so, please do : \
    You can find it at njaguar's Homepage...

  2. #22


    I would not stress too much over this. I have been using BotNET and its getting better and better all the time. Best of all its free and will always be free. Eventually it will replace d2jsp. D2jsp is still buggy and its been out for years. It aint the be all and end all to botting.

  3. #23

    Thumbs up ok

    Where do i find Bot.... Then?? On here?? Im only a ******! I registered Today! :

  4. #24

  5. #25


    Go here and try botNET. Its still in the development stages and still buggy. Buts its definately got promise:

  6. #26

    Talking I got what ur looking for

    I have d2jsp v0.50.24 and yamb v1.9.6.0(beta2). They are indeed cracked. If you would like a copy just email me at :

    [email protected]

    I will send you a copy BUT only if you agree to share it with as many people as possible.

    Have a good day people.

    And to nfaguar, your the kind of person that brings this community down. You should be sharing your ideas and gifts, not selling them to fatten your wallet. Come on, 25 dollars PER key. That is a bit ridiculous.

    By the way, the file size is 497,144 bytes and you will need 7-zip to open the archive.

  7. #27


    well I am just wondering, how come when I try using the file I obvious *purchased* (roll eye emo), how come it gives me error on no jsp32.dll?

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