I have reset the thread since the old one had about 750 posts in it. I just unstickied it and now it's in the regular graphics section.
Here's the rules. You can post here to showoff any signature that you made (or that someone else made, if you credit them...) and people will rate them on a scale of 1-10, offering comments and suggestions.
If you're posting:
-you have to rate the most recent signature posted, or the signature above your post. This will ensure that everyone's work gets rated.
-you have to offer comments/suggestions; please don't just say, "6/10 good job" because that means nothing at ALL.
-you can go back and rate earlier work, but either quote the signature or state whose work you're rating, to avoid confusion.
If you're off topic or spamming, I'll just warn you. It's kinda simple. Thanks and take it away!
No chit chat. Disscuss techniques and such in another thread or through pms. we dont want the thread cluttered with usless bs. - Oresama