Lets Make a list of Tourney types/rulez ey?
Tourney Types
Quest For Three
1. it will be a team game consisting of 3 players per team
2. each player will create a new temporary level 1 character at the time of the game
3. teams should organize themselves prior to the tournament
4. no items may be imported into the game by the players
5. teams will be judged by the total of their levels at the end of time limit, which is one hour
6. winners and prizes to be announced at end of Tourney in Valar
7. it will be a normal level game (duh)
8. write down all 3 of your team members experience levels, (from the "character box") and we may need to use this in case of a tie
9. in case of crash, just start game all over again with new characters, or start a new game with your same characters and then restart the clock from where you were at time of crash (your discretion)
10. if one or two members lag out of game, stop the clock, all left stand still, (kill all in near vicinity if you have to), and wait for member(s) to return and then continue
11. appoint one of you to be the time keeper, and he/she will keep all informed as the game progresses
Capture The Uniques
1. 2 teams of 2 players will compete against each other
2. teams will be assigned by myself or other judges (in an attempt to keep the teams fair and encourage the making of new friends)
3. game is played much like capture the flag
4. cooperatively the 4 players will clear levels 1 and 2 of a normal game of all the baddies present
5. each team will then hide their unique item as a flag on their level (one team on each of the levels 1 and 2)
6. when ready all agree it is time to start game
7. the object is to capture the other teams unique "flag" and return it to your home spot (where your "flag" is)
8. the winning team is the one that succeeds in this endeavor
9. game ends when one team possess both "flags" at their home
10. as it is necessary in this game killing your opponents is allowed
11. if someone dies while in possession of a "flag" they will return from town to that spot where they died and drop the "flag", return to their home and then proceed in game (the opponent present at that spot will provide portal
12. game ends when one team has both "flags" at their home
Race To Kill Diablo (Norm)
1. games will be for teams of 3
2. normal games will be used
3. goal is to kill Diablo as quickly as possible (scoring is based on time)
4. all team members must get to 16 by using all stairs between levels (no taking stairs from town or using each others portals to bypass a level)
5. all players can use only their own portals for trips back to town
6. levels need not be cleared, just the stairs to and from used in traveling down.
7. member's original or alternate characters are used for play
8. keeping time and fair play will be on the honor system
9. all members of the team must be present when Diablo is killed
10. teleport spell may not be used at any time during the game
Diablo II versions begin at the River of Flame waypoint.