this thread my be closed whith in the first 5 mins of posting it but w/e
this is a thread where you can pretend your a drunk trying 2 get home and the mishaps you encounter along the way
I was coming home form the bar and i was stumbling along when a wino came up 2 me and asked me for booze money so i looked at and him and laughed and said hey man can't u see im drunk. there was a long pause then he said no, so i left him there still wondering what just happened, and i triped over my self and fell into a gutter and fell into the sewer being as skinny as i am and i floated down the sewer and dident know what was happening sience i was drunk i though i was on a dirty log flume or sumthing while i was floating down stream, then i floted into a place where strange people lived they were mutants i was made the leader and we took over the over world, who ever though i would rule the workd from being drunk,
your turn...