View Poll Results: Can you live without MH?

205. You may not vote on this poll
  • Yeah, of course, but I prefer using it

    128 62.44%
  • No, but after reading this I think I can try

    18 8.78%
  • STFU Hawk go to hell I hate you

    46 22.44%
  • I don't use MH 'cause i'm cool like that

    13 6.34%
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  1. #1

    Default For all you MH wanters out there...

    *sigh*... I am TEMPTED to give you guys a friggin virus I bet 98% of you will all probably download it before someone verifies its not a virus. I mean come on, you guys can't live with Map Hack, which I will agree with you that it is a good helper. I am not giving a virus because I am nice and I don't want to destroy your computers.

    If you guys care to notice, a 'NEW PATCH' has come out, which means NOBODY has a working maphack, so why bother asking? Okay you want it the second it comes out, big deal forums will delete the thread immediately and they've shut off Blizzhackers, so you come whining here, I don't wanna hear it. Waiting a few more days isn't all that terrible you know... I do not believe there's an 'auto-mh-installer' from your DII LOD cd do I? No, MH is not intended for this game, but it is used as an enhancer. If you play d2 because of these enhancers that make your life easy and make the game simple, I suggest you quit this and find something better to do, Guild Wars has a built in 'Map' which to you is similar to Maphack go play that if you want easy game to navigate.

    If you go to the Hacks and Dupes section of our website, you will notice... a LOT of threads about 'my maphack not working help', 'i need maphack' etc. here's just one I saw recently for show/example:

    <TABLE class=tborder cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt1></TD><TD class=alt2> </TD><TD class=alt1Active id=t20953 title="Topic explains all..">V1.11 Maphack Reply if found one!
    </TD><TD class=alt2 title="Replies: 2, Views: 386">
    Today 10:56 AM
    by yaoc1987
    </TD><TD class=alt1 align=middle>2</TD><TD class=alt2 align=middle>386</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

    Look at the amount of Posts compared to the amount of views, everybody's friggin looking for maphack! Now lets look at a thread that was made a while back before the 1.11 patch was announced and see how many posts/views it has:

    <TABLE class=tborder cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt1></TD><TD class=alt2> </TD><TD class=alt1Active id=t19183 title="I know I am a bit new to this forum and am well aware that people might not beleive or use what i have found out. As we know yamb/d2jsp only works with either an light sorceress' or a Hammerdin. Due to many people wanting to mf with a blizzard sorceress, wind druid, necro and others! Here is a...">How to make d2jsp/yamb5.2 work with any character!
    </TD><TD class=alt2 title="Replies: 2, Views: 66">
    01-06-2005 12:52 AM
    by mrbona2
    </TD><TD class=alt1 align=middle>2</TD><TD class=alt2 align=middle>66</TD></TR><TR><TD class=alt1></TD><TD class=alt2> </TD><TD class=alt1Active id=t19254 title="i was wondering if there was a stand alone pickit that someone could hook me up with.">stand alone pickit
    </TD><TD class=alt2 title="Replies: 2, Views: 120">
    01-06-2005 12:39 AM
    by Mr Blaine Ng
    </TD><TD class=alt1 align=middle>2</TD><TD class=alt2 align=middle>120</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

    Those are just two threads I saw with 2 posts each, both views added together don't even match our famous maphack one...

    What I'm trying to say is, don't complain if your maphack doesn't work, we KNOW! Actually try to PLAY this game, and enjoy it. Smoke ****, enjoy it, don't start injecting heroine inside yourself is what I'm saying sort of... (bad example lol) But watch, since this thread name doesn't say: "No MH DL here" I bet this page will have loads of views for sheer amount of people wanting to download it.

    Having trouble finding Countess & Nihlathak & Summoner for Terror & Destruction & Hate keys? No maphack to help you navigate toward them? Looking for some new uniques by mf'ing at Meph but don't want to tele through Durance Level 2? You guys are such ****s seriously I can tele to any place with any character with or without maphack without losing more than 10% of my life, this is actually a real simple process of getting to know some good MF places and their Spawn Maps. Take Durance of Hate Level 2 for example, there are around 38-43 different maps of it in total in which the stairs to go to Durance of Hate Level 3 lies in the correct/same position as well as the Level 1 stairs and the WP, you just have to 'know' the map. I played long enough without map hack to know these by heart, heck before I rebooted my computer I even had folders analizing each of the MF'ing levels, this includes: Durance, Black Marsh -> Tower Cellar 5 Levels, Catacombs Level 2 and Level 3, World Stone Chamber Level 2 and Level 3, and Master Cave in Canyon of the Magi (Duriel) [this is after I started using MH when I started analyzing, only recorded 6 types so far think there's around 12-14]. So just learn the maps, its very simple...
    Meph = 2 ways in which you can enter the door, #1: Door facing South East, #2 Door facing South West. Door facing south east will have a 70-85% chance of spawning inside a 'half-room' it looks something like this: (except turn it counterclockwise 45ยบ)
    l __l
    l l__
    and 15-30% of spwning in a Rectangular Room
    / \
    \ \
    \ /
    \ /
    And yes I can go on forever telling you guys about maps.

    So to conclude, please I would hate to have this site destroyed by massive amount of threads complaining about when MH comes out, or when I'll be able to use hacks... its LAME. Don't flame me you know I'm right, and YES I DO USE MH IF I HAVE IT but I don't act like you guys would.

  2. #2

  3. #3


    What about the few of us who have not enough ene or time to tele through a giant map? With mf gear that is, and for the some of us with about 10 fcr with mf gear taking hours just to teleport. THAT'S when we need mh.

  4. #4
    Veteran Dark.Zero's Avatar
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    in a box..where u think?


    yup.... some people need mh and its a lot ezyer

  5. #5
    ***** Elder qweeve's Avatar
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    western, pa


    hey hawk, stfu, I hate you, lol

  6. #6
    Veteran Dark.Zero's Avatar
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    in a box..where u think?


    dont be so mean qweeve lol altho u have a good point...... about the shuting up part.....

  7. #7

    Thumbs down

    Dude quit bein a fag. Just because we all want to use mh doesn't mean you have to start goin off about how your a nerd and can dedicate every waking moment of your time to playing the game and memorizing where u go to get where. Some of us have sports to go practice for, so don't be all high-and-mighty just because your a nerd with nothin better to do in your spare time.

    Kidtirawi : :

  8. #8
    ***** Slave Nubli's Avatar
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    Dec 2003


    If you need a MH to play this game, you fail at life.

  9. #9


    Ma i also say something. All you avatarless one posters. shut up and stop acting like idiots. Qweeve. dont flame. kidtirawi, We dont need to hear about your personal life. Stop flaming.

  10. #10


    Already 581 views and only 9 posts, wow people do need it, lol

  11. #11
    Only Magician In Town
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nub
    If you need a MH to play this game, you fail at life.
    That is the best thing I've heard today. Why don't you guys start playing the game the way its ment to be played.

  12. #12
    Forum Member Silver Power101's Avatar
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    I have to agree with him...I'll use a MH if it's out, but I'm not gonna go crying about it not being out...

  13. #13


    ill just sum up what is going on........... If you NEED mh then go make it yourself.... if its not a big deal but it is nice to have it, then wait..... if you dont want to use then enjoy the game in all its true beauty....
    as for me i prefer it but im still breathing and my heart is still pumping even though i do not have it... and yes this is my first post on this forum so take your best shot plz.......

  14. #14
    You would kill for this, just a little bit Tap's Avatar
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    I dont really understand why there is a need to bash those who use maphack?
    if you dont like maphacks then dont use them simple as that. but dont bash those who do
    You said so much without ever parting your lips.

  15. #15


    all i have to say is damn!! stop whineing about MH friggin 1.11 just came out yesterday someone will make one soon enough give it a few weeks...

    chill fellaz

  16. #16


    i agree Hawk.. we've allready lost blizzhackers and allthough i'm newer here i would really hate to see this site go down as well.. it seems as though theres alot of ****s that don't remember when 1.09 or 1.10 patches came out.. it took ppl a few days to sort e-thing out and recode it and then they were released to the public.. ppl really need to chill and have some patiance(sp?).. don't worry someone will take care of it.. i would rather w8 and have a good one than have someone hurry and screw it up .. give em a chance it'll be out soon eanough :

  17. #17


    actually i dont use the main functions of map hack just the inventory viewer to see everyone stuff which i cant live without

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2004


    and for those of us who have a life and dont go around analyzing and memorizing maps, there is maphack.

  19. #19


    sry had a job, couldn't reply to those who hated me lol

    Quote Originally Posted by Tap
    I dont really understand why there is a need to bash those who use maphack?
    if you dont like maphacks then dont use them simple as that. but dont bash those who do
    not bash, just I want them to stop posting stuff about 'why there is no Hack out yet' and 'Someone give me MH or I'll quit D2'. Its okay at the start and all, easily answer those questions with a simple: "1.11 just came out all the Hacks including MH has been termporarily suspended, as they're not up to date yet with the online system". But after a while, you just start getting annoyed you know? I wouldn't bash anybody because they do something I don't prefer, although I do prefer using MH... I will never force my judgment upon others, just that from the looks of it, some forum sites are being destroyed by these people who need MH badly, and they spam until one comes out, and guess what? They didn't make the thread! Someone who got the newest MH ALWAYS makes their OWN thread and announces it, they do NOT go into a thread like: "Gimme 1.11 MH" and post a zip file of it, that's just... not right... abnormal. Ask/Watch Dynaform for example, he posts the Newest Versions of bots in a new thread, announcing it for easy access by everybody, not that there are any threads asking for it but yeah. People also give the LINK to a thread that has the file people need on other threads, such as:

    Thread Name: "i need mh"

    reply by asdf: I need mh
    reply by jkl: go to: blah blah blah

    so there is really no point in making new threads asking for MH. I'm just letting others know some people do get irritated seeing 100 threads about the same thing, and it DOES give Mods a hard time to do their job, heck I see more than half of these threads aren't locked because they know people will just make more of them. If these threads are still floating at the top when MH does come out I'm willing to bet my life that they're going to be closed.

  20. #20
    You would kill for this, just a little bit Tap's Avatar
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    i wasnt directly talking to you tho hawk. i understand your side and i agree.
    You said so much without ever parting your lips.

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