View Poll Results: Do you like the new patch?

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  • Yes!

    21 72.41%
  • No!

    8 27.59%
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  1. #1

    Default Do you guys like the new patch?

    i like it cuse they removed alot of glitches and the new charm is as hot as when the 290s came out

  2. #2


    Yes, the new runwords may suck, but the new charm is awesome!!

    Glad they fixed some bugs, and I love the new challenge!! Before my hammerdin(lvl 96) was pretty much godly, but he sucks in Uber Tristram!! The new challenge is forcing me to build a new char, a smiter!! Now if only I could figure out the best way to build one...

  3. #3


    im not to fond of it...
    runewords are horrible and bosses are so unoriginal...(its jus diablo, baal, etc. but blackened)
    the charms is way too godly and ez to get
    and about the runewords again...some of them are too godly like the assn one...pretty ez to make but seems like a perfect armor for trappers...idk what u think but this is my opinion

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Azn Monster
    im not to fond of it...
    runewords are horrible and bosses are so unoriginal...(its jus diablo, baal, etc. but blackened)
    the charms is way too godly and ez to get
    and about the runewords again...some of them are too godly like the assn one...pretty ez to make but seems like a perfect armor for trappers...idk what u think but this is my opinion
    i personolly like the new runewords because there just so dahm easy to make i mean comon people there is finally a chance for people like me who have no luck in finding good runes to make good items with low lvl runes wow i love this new patch im just not sure if i should start making a new char now or if i should wait till i get used to this new patch. hmmmmm.....:

  5. #5
    Veteran volcom's Avatar
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    Yeah, its okay I guess.

  6. #6


    Not much different to the old patch, with the exception of all this uber tristram.

  7. #7
    OH LAWWDY BlindMansTicket's Avatar
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    Yup, Not much changed. Well, once again the rich get richer with the new uber tristram and charm.

    I will like it more when the new MH comes out. If someone reads this and goes on a "You dont need mh" trip, shut the hell up, I don't care.

  8. #8
    The Immortals Dynafrom's Avatar
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    The charm is the only reason why I played the game instead of going on and dueling, after getting the charm a few times, it got boring so now im back to dueling :)

    I HOPE THEY ADD A NEW WEAPON CLASS "GUNS" god, a dual weilding barb with dual m16
    Business & Computer Science major

  9. #9


    only reason I liked this patch was because of the LC, everything else blows especially the runewords

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Dynafrom
    The charm is the only reason why I played the game instead of going on and dueling, after getting the charm a few times, it got boring so now im back to dueling :)

    I HOPE THEY ADD A NEW WEAPON CLASS "GUNS" god, a dual weilding barb with dual m16
    lmao dyna, since my account's sold I'm borrowing accounts right now to try out uber trist and id some charms to have fun. adding a 'guns' weap class would be awesome, except... those who would've are now in Hellgates :. play cs mate :P

  11. #11


    the new patch is great. it gives EVERYBODY a chance to get better. theres like 5 legit players on that have actually FOUND a high rune and millions of people who probably ebay yet they call others noobs. now all those assholes out there who ebay and pick on poor people can get owned by what they once called noobs.

  12. #12


    new patch is great in some ways and other ways is not...but think about it..its kinfda hard to tweak such a great and popular game without making it worse..i mean people like it so much for that way it was/is..

  13. #13


    Ya i havent got the charm yet because i have some low lvl chars but i also thing its over powering but HEY its bringing people backing into d2 i guess

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2005


    well most people said they were gonna quit but havent i think theyve made it better but sum monsters are to strong for people who dont know how to make good chars.

  15. #15


    ya i didnt like how hammerdins were over powered now they fixed that :) my friend made a hammerdin right before the patch he ways like haha look at me and now im like ya look at him go O.o

  16. #16
    MS guy Silver Ice's Avatar
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    Feb 2004


    i like the new patch... and yes btw ive found a hr legitly... 2 to be exact (cham+ohm)

  17. #17
    Join Date
    May 2005


    i do and do not like the new patch
    why i like it: new stuff and rws
    why i do not like it: the damn shit about uber tristam and the keys, so many games that take up all the fun games space in the games list. there is only games about key find, key trade, O 2 hate N 1 Dest :P

  18. #18


    so far I like the patch but I wanted my hammerdin to stay powerful:P

  19. #19
    Cant think of anything L4E's Avatar
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    Jun 2004


    why r u saying hamerdins are weak now?? hamerdins are as good as ever, WITH +3 MORE SKILLS =D. they are the fastest ways to find keys and own izual/izzy and if well built, lilith too without worrying about monster immunitys. this patch is great, i just hope that we can still own the uber prime evils once ladder resets, the announcment has me worried..

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    Plainfield, IL O_O


    I like the new patch..the whole thing with the keys and stuff isnt the best thing blizzard could have come up with..but its a new challange so thats good.

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