I remember playing classic Diablo 2 a few years back in 1.09, and the big thing, besides Mouse Pad's MapHack, was GrabIt. OMG...it was awesome, could pick up items like miles away from you, although it made you lag for a moment, it was still great.
If it wasnt for GrabIt, I never would of had my moment of wealth, which was shortlived
So yeah, is like, GrabIt still around for Diablo 2/LOD, let alone a newer version? Or did it get replaced or something? If its one thing that made GrabIt so damn great was nobody could ever loot off me! I do all the work, and I would get squat cuz I was on a 56k connection, and the moment a boss died, ppl would click and loot without even looking! Madness I tell you!
If only D2 had some sort of item sharing system or something that wouldnt allow people to pick up items from your kills unless they gave you the ok...
But umm...yeah, if there is anything like GrabIt, or as good as GrabIt, I wanna know. I went through 1.10 without any of it...and it pissed me off very often (GIMMIE BACK MY ANNI YOU *****!):