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  1. #1

    Exclamation Light and Infravision script

    OK, right from the start, here's what this do and does not do

    DO: it does bring full light radius, and eliminate night time and weather (snow/rain), as well as allow you to see through walls.

    Doesn't do: it doesn't reveal the map, or eliminate screen shaking on various events, and other things of the sort. it doesn't show monsters on the map. Or any other visual toggle

    Why use it if it only brings you out of the darkness? Well, it's a 100% verified no scam method, for one. no third party program, either, a txt file can't keylog or be a trojan. Basicaly for all those who don't trust nether/jan's maphacks but are tired of getting sneaked on by monsters.

    step 1: go into your diablo 2 install folder (I'm assuming it's C:\Program Files\Diablo II)

    step 2: In that folder, create the folder data

    Step 3: Within data, create a folder called global

    Step 4: Within global, create a folder called excel. you should now have C:\Program Files\Diablo II\data\global\excel

    Step 4: go to

    Step 5: go in the menu file, then select "save as". save the file in the excel folder you created

    Setp 6: right click the shortcut you usualy use to start the game, and then select "properties". In the "target" field, go at the end, and add the following" -direct -txt

    Step 7: click the ok button, and launch the game. now go in a single player game so that it can create all the bin files it needs.

    Step 8: That's it, it is now day all the time, with no bad weather, and you can see monsters through walls (also called infravision). Infravision is disabled in act 5, leaving you with only full light, due to some crashes that it caused in 1.11.

  2. #2


    Thank you alot for your help ! :) KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!

  3. #3


    Nice find. Does it work on closed?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Computer Chair


    yes it works fine on closed, well atleast works for me, doesnt reveal map :-( but it does give it a maphack feel cuz of the full light radius which is good enough for me..... for now

  5. #5


    actualy its made for closed bnet im not sure about open but i would think it works there too

  6. #6


    Why it should not work? Yes it does!

  7. #7


    ok well with the new 1.11b patch this does not work no more

  8. #8


    I find this thread for first time yestarday and today the new patch grrrrrrr

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