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  1. #1

    Default Crescent Moon/Smiter

    On a smiter build, which would be better to use, Crescent Moon or Black? The statistics of each are listed below

    Crescent Moon:
    10% Chance To Cast Level 17 Chain Lightning On Striking
    7% Chance To Cast Level 13 Static Field On Striking
    +20% Increased Attack Speed
    +180-220% Enhanced Damage (varies)
    Ignore Target's Defense
    -35% To Enemy Lightning Resistance
    25% Chance of Open Wounds
    +9-11 Magic Absorb (varies)
    +2 To Mana After Each Kill
    Level 18 Summon Spirit Wolf (30 Charges)

    +120% Enhanced Damage
    40% Chance Of Crushing Blow
    +200 To Attack Rating
    Adds 3-14 Cold Damage - Cold Duration 3 Seconds
    +10 To Vitality
    15% Increased Attack Speed
    Magic Damage Reduced By 2
    Level 4 Corpse Explosion (12 Charges)

    The way I see it right now, the advantages of black is that it has 40% crushing blow, and 15% IAS. The advantage of Crescent Moon is the Static Field, -33% enemy lightning resist, 25% open wounds, +20% IAS, and a lvl 17 chain lightning.

    Crescent Moon - 3 socket War Axe
    Black - 3 socket Flail

    Any thoughts on which would be better? I'm thinking Crescent Moon is stronger from the static field.

    My current smiter equipment:
    goblin toe boots
    guillame's face (spelled wrong I think...)
    dracul's grasp
    spirit shroud armor (15% IAS jewel in it)
    rare amulet (+2 offensive auras, all resist +13)
    String of Ears sash
    raven frost ring, rare ring (crappy)
    Herald of Zakarum (not upgraded, empty socket still)
    Black flail

    With that, I have a 95% crushing blow chance, but without the Black, I have a 55% chance.

  2. #2


    Use Cresent Moon ... cause of static field AND open wounds!.... its so nice... then u dont need any sorc with static field.... then u kill ubers much faster..... ! <---- Thats my advice... u could try both against ubers? ( I Guess u meen against ubers :S Because else for a smiter in pvp u should use Grief defently :S ) and one thing more... use exile instead for zakarum...... exile has life tap its really important u wont die when you have lifetap :)

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by PrOoOpS
    Use Cresent Moon ... cause of static field AND open wounds!.... its so nice... then u dont need any sorc with static field.... then u kill ubers much faster..... ! <---- Thats my advice... u could try both against ubers? ( I Guess u meen against ubers :S Because else for a smiter in pvp u should use Grief defently :S ) and one thing more... use exile instead for zakarum...... exile has life tap its really important u wont die when you have lifetap :)

    well, I can't actually fight ubers yet. I don't have the character or the gear for it. If I could afford it, yes I would be using grief and an exile, however I'm going by what I have. I found the zakarum by chance on mephisto, so I've been using it ever since - I don't have the market power to afford grief/exile currently. To get the lifetap, I've been using dracul's grasp.. with the number of hits per second that smite can do, the low chance to cast becomes fairly significant...

    Thanks for the input about the Crescent Moon, if I can get the runes to make it I'll give it a try against baal or something, and compare the two that way.


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