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  1. #1

    Default ISO: MASS SOJS..ft list here

    i need mass sojs on willing to trade like tons for them...and i need a lsit of what i got for trade....lemme know what you need and how many sojs you got...

    -1377 archon enigma
    -39 hoto
    -13-13 eth treks
    -333% chaos suwayyah with +3 wepon block and +3ar (from sup)
    -fury suwayyah with +3 dragon flight
    -10%fcr 13str 15%light res 16%fire res 108ar 2%ml ring
    -shadow dancer +2shadow 19 dex
    -delerium druid helm with +3tornado +1 hunger +2 dire wolf
    -512 def upd hoz w/ P diamond (188%...high def on uping)
    -35% pally vortex spirit with 38 base res
    -119% arach
    -shako w/ 15%res all +20psn dmg jewel
    -1254 def eth kraken Coh

    here's a list...hope you need some...looking for sojs ONLY

  2. #2
    Super hacker skidude's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2004


    how many sojs take -333% chaos suwayyah with +3 wepon block and +3ar (from sup)

  3. #3


    i dunno...3-4? many you willing to pay....

  4. #4


    how many sojs 4 the delerium helm my man?

  5. #5


    ya sorry i've been busy for a few need like 2 sojs for the delerium....i think thats about a ladderplayer ...not non-L

    make me a offer on anything,....i simply need mass sojs

  6. #6


    any chance you could list c/o's on the items?

  7. #7


    there's not realy any current offers on any of the items...i simply get what i can...i wont like rip myself off but ill take a little less then i can get...but only sojs.,...jsut offer and ill either say yes or no...

  8. #8


    how many sojs for shadow dancers?

  9. #9


    i got 1 soj if u need i dont really care what u want to trade except for spirit

  10. #10


    i wouldnt mind gettin that eth coh, arch enigma, and arach. how many sojs would you like for each of those?

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