I have used the standard scipt that comes with MM.Bot.
It launches Diablo fine and creates a game, But my character just stands there doing nothing . Then i get an error messege saying that I need to complete 1 successfull run.
When i check the Log file this error is at the end.
09/08 19:15:09 [I]>
09/08 19:15:09 [I]> ========================================
09/08 19:15:09 [I]> mm.BOT.537 was launched for Battle mode.
09/08 19:15:09 [I]> ========================================
09/08 19:15:09 [I]>
09/08 19:15:09 [I]> Compilation by mmcl.PKID.Compiler.exe was not needed.
09/08 19:15:09 [I]> Empty Inventory, Stash, Npc, Cube, and Belt references loaded.
09/08 19:15:11 [I]> PKID loaded 5345 statistics in pre-compiled database.
09/08 19:15:12 [I]> PKID loaded 202 XUniques items to pickup.
09/08 19:15:12 [I]> PKID loaded 426 XRares items to pickup.
09/08 19:15:12 [I]> PKID loaded 49 Sets items to pickup.
09/08 19:15:12 [I]> PKID loaded 126 Grays items to pickup.
09/08 19:15:12 [I]> BlizSorcPreCast sequence is loaded: 5 commands found.
09/08 19:15:12 [I]> BlizSorcOutTown sequence is loaded: 10 commands found.
09/08 19:15:12 [I]> BlizSorcPindle sequence is loaded: 20 commands found.
09/08 19:15:12 [I]> BlizSorcPindleEnd sequence is loaded: 9 commands found.
09/08 19:15:12 [I]> 4 sequences have been loaded.
09/08 19:15:13 [I]> Diablo II closed successfully.
09/08 19:15:17 [I]> Diablo 2 will be launched with these parameters:
09/08 19:15:17 [I]> C:\Program Files\Diablo II\Diablo II.exe -w -ns -direct -txt -title "Diablo II" (title: Diablo II)
09/08 19:15:43 [I]> Diablo II started successfully.
09/08 19:15:56 [I]> ==> Cycle: 1 => Run: 1 Started
09/08 19:17:41 [E]> Create Game TimeOut / Connection Failed.
09/08 19:17:41 [E]> Emergency stop: first run creation failed.
09/08 19:17:41 [I]> The first run must return successful status everytime.