Last I checked there were many more censored words in his post than mine. I think he should be the one to re-evaluate his attitude.
Last I checked there were many more censored words in his post than mine. I think he should be the one to re-evaluate his attitude.
"I'm not a geek, I'm just coolness challenged."
Ey I just proved a point, those racist didnt know history and becous of that they started a world war!
And btw, americans just thinks they are more powerful than any other country, but they seem to be blind as Japan and kina also got enought nuclears to blow the world up (and who cares if u got more if there is nothing left?) And they got more peaple that can fight if the america would like some fist fighting lol... If europe stand united we would also be able to stand up and be so damn ****y. We dont think we are worth more than other countries, we are equals and beliave in FN, wich is showd that America dont do, they think of their own intressts by using their veto. And about your economy, There are countries that culd have better economy today than they have, and thats the americans foult as they think of themself again. I take Japan as an example again. USA dont let them sell their stuff at the price they are able to, just becous USA cant beat em. Or maby its Buch wo decides this? You guys maby dont have enything to say about such things in your country? Then Buch isnt better than Sadam.... enyway, plz go to school and read, thats what I want t guys! Iv nothing against you, but the world and the history seems unknown to you! Maby its Buch who make it like this becous of his own intressts...who knows...seen the Mikeal Moore movies?...
Michael Moore provides one sided facts based on crack *** theories. You know he ripped many of his ideas and sources from another movie, that was not released in theatres, and never gave credit to the guy who he was taking these from? The video he "borrowed" the select information from was considered to be a complete crack ***/crazy theory that nobody took seriously. Then all of a sudden a celebrity says the same thing and it's fact. Shows how gullable you are over there doesn't it? Perhaps you should try researching a bit?
Also, World War II didn't start out of racism it was Hitler's lust for power and expansion. The Halocaust was the racist part of it.
Oh, yet another note about your last post, all that about Bush controling what goes into books just proves how little you know about us. Do not criticize our lack of knowledge if you have no clue what you're saying. And last I checked it was North Korea producing nuclear weapons and not Japan.
And lastly I can't help but laugh at the comment about Europe uniting. Are you joking? The French alone are enough reason to see that will probably never happen. The European nations have always had their little grudges, while they may not be at war with eachother every other week the chances of a continental alliance is Europe is slim at best.
I applaud your effort but try a little research next time.
"I'm not a geek, I'm just coolness challenged."
lmao lmao lmao ,, funny when u all get pissed off just coz a nazi sig? get a life u morons
You follow a dead man who was a complete moron. Again I think people need to think things through before they speak.
"I'm not a geek, I'm just coolness challenged."
EDIT: Too tired, took me so damn long to write what I was going to say, Spoon already covered a lot of it...
Ok man, you're obviously an idiot. Most of that post I'm not even going to touch because it isn't coherent. And Japan doesn't have nuclear weapons, I think that was included in the surrender of Japan...
No shit we're going to be concerned with our own interests, it wouldn't exactly bode well when Americans are going to fill up their gas tanks only to be told that there isn't any because America pvssy-footed around with the "FN".
And our economy? Our economy is the best in the world, save for the few small countries that have a higher GPD than us. The $100 bill (or is it $20?) is currently the most circulated type of currency on Earth.
Honestly, you're saying that Bush is keeping knowledge from us because someone didn't know that the swastica was used by the Romans? You're a moron and for someone who is all high-and-mighty about being in a more intelligent country, you sure do type like you're slapping the keys with your d!ck.
Is it just me or are we getting far too many arrogant c0cksucks on the thread lately? First the AlcoholicFlame dude, then the Neo-Nazi, now this douche.
By the way, I'm not attacking anyone European with this post other than him, hopefully I'm not sending the wrong message here. Kinda short, and I had to edit out a lot of it because it's almost 5:00 in the morning here and it didn't exactly make sense all the time.
ok , guess waht u want me to put a big america flag with kennedy face on it? i bet none of u will take actions bout that lol
I was going to comment on this but due to the fact that he's European his first language may not be English.Originally Posted by [/sarcasm]
Frankly I was offended by the Nazi idiocism but I may be offended by Kennedy. Honestly I can't think of which leader was worse.Originally Posted by Blizzcracker
Yeah that's a bit much, Kennedy wasn't a mass murderer but he was still an idiot.
"I'm not a geek, I'm just coolness challenged."
I wonder why u so mad about nazis Posted by Danyo
Um, you are wrong, dont you europeans have history or geography in school? Who's laughing now funny boy?
Ohhh... Excuse the length of my reply, there are so many comments to reply to in this thread, I don't know where to start... Also this is a question that I am deeply interested in, and have been researching for many years, past the "schoolbook" details.
Another fact about the Swastica, besides Hitler, it was used also on the Russian roubles after the Bolchevik revolution (October 1917). Does it now mean that we have to condemn its use as a symbol?
2nd of all, anybody who thinks that fascism is the same as Nazism is an all out smacktard and needs to go to school or read a few books, especially on Politology.
First of all, Hitler was never fascist. He was National Socialist. Albeit this is very close to fascism, it isn't quite the same. Mussolini (for the ones of You out there that don't know was the dictator of Italy during the period under question) was fascist. Now Hitler actually developed his own kind of National Socialism, called Nazism. Fascism is harmless, Nazism isn't, that's exactly why they are called differently and differentiated between. If You think that fascism is "evil", then don't bother replying to this thread, but go and get an education instead.
"You follow a dead man who was a complete moron. Again I think people need to think things through before they speak."
Hitler certainly wasn't a moron. Not only was he a very intelligent person, but also a very eloquent and charismatic speaker and a top-grade general. His inputs to operations "Blitzkrieg" and "Barbarossa" were invaluable and Germany would never have been able to get as far as it did without him. Yes, Germany did have superior technology and training, but wouldn't even a decently intelligence person do that to his army before taking on entire Europe? The reason for why Hitler lost was because he was literally taking on the entire Soviet Union, the United States and various other countries. Germany saw fighting on every single front, and as did the Roman Empire, Hitler finally fell because of overexpansion. There was no way that he could have defended all those fronts with the German economic output at the time, not even with the masses of all the foreign volonteers.
Now, all of You are probably wondering, why am I defending Hitler, so let me get this straight. Each nation has their own viewpoint on things, based on their interests, and as /sarcasm posted beforehand:
"No shit we're going to be concerned with our own interests, it wouldn't exactly bode well when Americans are going to fill up their gas tanks only to be told that there isn't any because America pvssy-footed around with the "FN"."
Ethnically, I am Estonian, which unlike most people believe is not a slavonic nation. Estonians are an ancient nation (~8000 years old) belonging to the Finno-Ugric ethnic group, together with Finns, Hungarians and hundreds of other extinct/near-extinct nations that now live in other countries. My country has been a target ever since the 12th Century due to it's resources and important strategical position, and WWII was no exception. After finally regaining our independence in 1920 after 700 years, we were once again confronted by Russia in 1940. I'm not going to go to all the details, but we were given two choices: Total submission or invasion. With a population of 1.3 million against 186 million, the choice could only be one.
Hitler hated Jews, Gypsies and Slavs, Stalin hated Finno-Ugric peoples. Hence when the Germans liberated Estonia in 1941, during one year the Russians had already killed 60000 Estonians, for their positions, influence and ethnicity. The Germans killed 7000 during 3 years of occupation. There was a huge number of volonteers from Estonia to the German armies, because nobody wanted to face the Red Terror again. Personally, I had 3 great-uncles in Waffen-SS, fighting not for the larger German Empire, but for the survival of their nation and country. If You ask how many Jews they killed, then have a look at this:
"The Baltic Waffen S.S. Units (Baltic Legions) are to be considered as separate and distinct in purpose, ideology, activities, and qualifications for membership from the German S.S., and therefore the Commission holds them not to be a movement hostile to the Government of the United States under Section 13 of the Displaced Persons Act, as amended."
Now, that we are once again independent, there are 880000 Estonians left, comapred to 1.3 million in 1940... My entire family was deported to Siberia, I think that by now, You'll have identified where I stand.
There is no yes and no answer to this question. If You think that Hitler was a mass-murderer, then why don't You also flame Stalin for the same reason, he killed millions more. Is it because he "won the war"? After all, You did passively fight him for 5 decades after the end of the war...
In what way does having Hitler as your Ava and a Nazi Flag as your Sig prove he is racist?
Remember people this is the ****ing internet, please calm the **** down...
Maybe offence could be taken by this if he actually SAID something racist......
I gotta go now, but later when I get back, My Sig is going to be a Confederate Flag, and If ANYONE has something IGNORANT to say about it, Bring it ON...
Im from Tennesseeand that flag represents my HERITAGE u CLOSE MINDED MOTHER ****ERS...THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK
yea i was kinda reading this thread going....isnt swastika indian/native american? although i thought it was a symbol for peace not religion, but still.
and to blizzcrackhead, are you seriously that retarded to not know why people are mad about nazi's? or are you just that retarded to joke around about something like several million people dying?
to the confederate flag dude...your calling other people ignorant and talking about heritage but you need to keep others heritage in mind too. to those of us up north, the confederate flag is a symbol of revolution and slavery. the only time its been flown "officially" was when the south tried to seperate from the union for many reasons, but the most known and talked about was slavery. so you may see your confederate flag as a symbol of pride, but try to keep in mind where other people are coming from too and we will do the same for you.
oh yea, and telling people to calm down while swearing every couple words and typing in caps is kind of hypocritical of you
p.s. to the like 5 people in this thread who tried to prove how much more intelligent than everyone else, you didnt impress anyone and most likely none of you convinced eachother of anything. no one is any better than anyone else, so lets all just get along.
ima retarded ? and btw several million people dying is not coz of nazi but americans to u dumbass think before u type out u dumb piece of trash , why dont u just make this issue public when people use american flags as their sigs?Originally Posted by Bloodangel26
regardless of what germans, iraqis, afghans, viets we shot, we didn't deliberately kill 6 million of one race because we didn't like them. nor did we kill ~20 million of our OWN people because we were paranoid. i don't think anythinf american has done is on par with hitler or stalin.
There are still plenty of Jews and Russians around, but what about the Native Indians, to whom America really belongs? That entire race is near extinct, even if the numbers don't match Stalin's 20 millions, You have cause the near extinction of a whole race and several cultures... I think that is on par...Originally Posted by Foog are retarded. i recommend you seek help immediately. for your anger issues as well. the several million people dying i was referring to were the ones in concentration camps, have you ever heard of those? i did think before i typed, did you? obviously not...look at my typing style then look at your typing style then tell me who is "dumb".Originally Posted by BlizzCracker
ad for the record, in iraq the US military made it a point to kill as few people as possible, we only wanted to destroy their weapons not their people. in afghanistan we didnt really kill anyone, we have just been looking for terrorists and trying to arrest them if possible. in vietnam, read your history about what vietnamese did to american troops when they were trying to help villagers and what the vietnamese did to the villagers as well.
if you are anti-american thats your opinion and you are entitled to it, i just hope that you base your opinions of us on facts instead of the idiotic rambling you have shown so far
my dad's mother was like half native american. yea what happened to native americans sucked, but we're over it and actually have it pretty good now due to some compensation laws and stuff.Originally Posted by FraterPerdurabo
Well u talking about things in the past that this generation can't be blamed for so we ae not racist but if u go around acting like a neo-nazi then infact u are a racist
Please vote for us, it takes you 5 seconds.
I am not pointing any fingers or blaming anybody, just making a point. None us are responsable for what happened 50, 100, 200 or 10000 years ago. (Unless You are a 80 year old WWII veteran on a Diablo II forum)Originally Posted by FrogMan
"my dad's mother was like half native american. yea what happened to native americans sucked, but we're over it and actually have it pretty good now due to some compensation laws and stuff."
Yeah, what happened to all the Jews, Slavs, Gypsies and Finno-Ugric peoples also sucked. The natives may have it pretty good compared to the past, but they don't have a country and will be extinct in the next century, due to the actions of Your country. Maybe You are over it, they ain't.
EDIT: When have I been acting like a neo-nazi? I hate that scum.
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