View Poll Results: Effective Fast Rushers

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  • Wind Druid

    43 56.58%
  • Bone Necro

    12 15.79%
  • Poison Necro

    3 3.95%
  • WW Barb

    10 13.16%
  • Zealer Paly

    8 10.53%
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  1. #1

    Default Most effective Non-Used Rushers

    I am tired of the hammerdin build because i find them boring... ive built to many and also sorcs got old for me a while ago. I was looking to make a build in which is fun and very effective at doing rushes in hell act1-5. Can some one plz tell me a less used build and vote in the poll and if u have one not up there plz add.


  2. #2
    MS guy Silver Ice's Avatar
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    Feb 2004


    ww barb or wind druid... search for guides.

  3. #3


    my Summoner Necro is almost as good as my hammerdin in pvm.. really good at rushing and not as common.

  4. #4
    Forum Member
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    summoner necros are good, really good if their merc has pride for his weapon, cause he already a might merc so might+concentration+decripify pwns.

    my merc has pride :P

  5. #5


    yea and if you get a beast in there too for fanat its even better

  6. #6


    Wind druid because in norm and nm you just need to go through the monsters, and in hell you have to use 1 tornado and just keep going past them. Very easy and if you have a grizzly then you also have a tank.

  7. #7


    Wind druid is best. Palas and Barbs are not that good b/c of chaos...they'll kill you too easy b/c you can't stop the ww or zeal attack. If you got maiden casted on you in the middle of the attack you're screwed. Poison nec is not good, too b/c there are VERY much psn immunes. Andy has psn ress like hell, and the 2nd act will be the hell for you to rush...


    The best imo is a boner nec or a wind druid. A wind druid does cold and phys dmg. So you can beat everything. A boner will have some probs with magical immunes (Right there's no bug like with hammerdin.)

  8. #8
    Cant think of anything L4E's Avatar
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    none of those are any good, they are Non-Used because they are Not effective. A javazon with Infinity merc would pwn all of them at rushing, considering it takes about 3 seconds to kill baal in hell. the merc will take care of immunes.
    Quote Originally Posted by RazZor
    (Right there's no bug like with hammerdin.)
    it's not a bug smart guy, if u took the time to read the info about blessed hammer at the arreat summit u would know undead monsters' magic resistances are ignored

  9. #9
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    Zealer. so what if they are slow and have a hard time in act 4, i rush everyone with my zealer cuz its my only character ^^

  10. #10
    ***** Elder Halcyon's Avatar
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    WW Barbs

    They have the same FCR as sorc's, so strap on 2 Wizardspikes and an enigma. Bring along a real armor if you don't like using enigma, you can put it in your cube if you need room.

  11. #11



    I putted (???) 2 wizzys + eni on my barb and tried to tele -.- 200 mana lol

  12. #12
    Veteran k_dash22's Avatar
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    try a godly java zon.

    i dont know about rushes, but i can do a compelte key run, d/h and t in 15 mins. 5min a pop. and no MH. in halls of pain. there are 2 locations the wp and stiars would bo so they are proportionate.

    the hard one is tower beucase its big. java fury zon

  13. #13
    Retired S.Mod A|fzZz's Avatar
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    My hdin completes those key runs in 5 mins tops..

    Tho hdin are boring..I wont spend 3 x more time using a funner [lol] build.

    If You Want To Lose Weight, You NEED To Read This First!

  14. #14


    Zealer pally's get ra.ped from Iron Maiden, durring act four, as do WW Barbrians, Too many poison immunes, bone's just suck... and there's very little that can "withstand" the hurricane, however the WW barbarian would do best probably, all except act four, as would the zealer.

    Quote Originally Posted by FraterPerdurabo View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Skye View Post
    You don't like it? Why is that?
    Probably because I fail to appreciate the beauty in what I see around me constantly.

  15. #15
    I own you 24/7 style. Loits's Avatar
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    Well, for rushing fcr is important therefore a barb with 2 hotos fcr ring and to gloves is damn fast and you can get past chaos easily if you put on a shield and 1 point in berserk.

    Amas are the worst rushers because of their low fcr frames.

  16. #16


    Kind of reviving an old subject...

    A well built boner nec with a good merc (With damage in mind) paired with a clay golem can do pretty well. The only immunes you must worry about are of course the baal mummies, and mabye the mummies in act2, but if you have enigma and a 125 fcr and a good fhr then you can slip by them theoretically, but i've never boner rushed (laugh!)

    As for chaos, if you have good teeth (over 1.2k damage) then it shouldn't be much of a problem. Bone prision all the bosses, decrep, cast clay beside them and spirit/spears until he's dead.

    Also if you are hosting baal runs for like NM I've seen boner necs cast prision on Baal (preventing anyone without tele from gettnig to him), and then teleport inside after he was dead and pickup whatever was dropped while all the leechers looked on and cried about it. I thought it was a pretty damn good idea.

  17. #17


    Wind Druid rock the rushing world, for me and my friends. Norm thrugh Nm takes no time since not one tornado is needed. In hell he is still good considering the low amount of physical immunes. I wish a trap sin would have been up there though. With infinity and enigma they are just as good.

  18. #18


    I used to use a boner to rush, and for the immunes you get your merc to kill one OR kill a non-immune and just corpse explode. Clay golem + Merc(Mine had P medi CA, Eth Andies and Buged Eth Sacred fort) and it's gg tank wise. Plus you get a lower dammage(scyth) with level 17medi for the chaos sanc.

  19. #19
    gimmie da loot ! SilverTears's Avatar
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    Wind druid, they can have hurricane, tornado, summons, and cyclone all up a the same time.
    Which is very good, because hurricane, tornado, and summons do damage.
    So then there you have 3 things.
    And cyclone armor is very helpful for not dying.
    You can rush through things like you wouldnt beleive with it.

    WW Barbs or ok IMO, WW damage doesnt get that high when it comes to PvM and it usually takes a couple of hits just to get past 1 thing in hell. And Iron maiden... Eww.
    I Hate WWing into something and then seeing the barb fall right to
    The ground -.-
    . . . at ease, i puff trees till i look chinese
    . . . and immigration says can we see
    . . . your green card, please.....?

  20. #20


    Only wind druids can rush you good enough

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