If someone know from where can i dl it or is there any, because i have 2 cd-keys and the one is only on my diablo. I gotta find it before formating the hard
If someone know from where can i dl it or is there any, because i have 2 cd-keys and the one is only on my diablo. I gotta find it before formating the hard
So noone have cd-key grabber for 1.11b ? I need it verry much because of the problems with my hard
you want to know how to see your cd key or do you want to change it?
there was a utility in one of the d2loaders "Onlayer" or something, allowed u to view and change cd key. not sure if the new loader has it or not, havnt used it.
it should be on your diablo 2 case
You said so much without ever parting your lips.
onlyers doesnt work on 1.11b. but i did have one that i made that was up but i removed it because people thought i was gona hack their cd key.... ille put it back up here i guess.... just follow the instructions. good luck
thnx coryman ofcours firs gotta see it :)
np dude just trying to help people out here, oh and i do not blame people for blaming me for that, after all, check this out http://www.blizzsector.co/showthread.php?t=23245 ..... so yah
Last edited by corymann1; 10-08-2005 at 08:32 AM.
I know this is a very very old thread and all, but since I found this through google I tought I'd post anyway.
Both A-squared, Avast and Panda report a trojan in that file so deleting it would be the right thing to do.
Anyway, anyone got a real cdkey checker? I'd really need one since I lost the discs and can't update to 1.12 because I didn't save the original Diablo II.exe.
Try this http://r-1.ch/ViewD2Keys.NET-1.1.zip
I needed my CD-Key to enter into the new battle.net and this post helped a lot. Thanks for the d2 show cd keys.zip!
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