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  1. #1

    Default your views on racism.

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  2. #2
    The Burninator TroGdoR's Avatar
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    It's one with Human Nature. It will never leave us. It will always be found in Law, Business, Society, Commerce, etc. People will be racist simply because of their genetic hard- wiring.

    Is it an admirable quality in people? No, but it also isn't destructive as long as those with racist beliefs keep it to themselves. When racism leads to violence, then I have a problem with it. Those who decide to act on racism by using violence towards other groups are ignorant, destructive, and hateful.

    In conclusion, I don't have a problem with sequestered racism, simply because it will always be a part of people and will never leave us. However, when you act out your racism in physically or mentally destructive ways towards others, then I have a BIG problem with it.

  3. #3
    ***** Elder qweeve's Avatar
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    Here are my views plain and simple. Square peg, square hole, round peg, round hole.

  4. #4
    GFX Freak And ***** FrogMan's Avatar
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    Well it is not as evident as before, racism will always be there but like trogdor said as long people keep it to themselves then it fine, its when people don't keep it to themselves or let the decisions they make be influenced by the racist views is when it becomes a problem.

    As much i would like to say it will eventually disappear, it won't.

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  5. #5
    You would kill for this, just a little bit Tap's Avatar
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    no room for racism in todays society
    when im dictator i might find the time to do away with all forms of racism
    You said so much without ever parting your lips.

  6. #6
    ***** Ancient Grave's Avatar
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    Too much racism in the world today, everyone hates everyone who's not part of their religion, or race. Nothing we individuals can do about but live with it.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Tap
    no room for racism in todays society
    when im dictator i might find the time to do away with all forms of racism
    when your "dictator" thtas a about as bad youd be drunk with power...

    any way there is no need for it.

  8. #8
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    Its so stupid when people say that i try to be black how can u be a color????like ive seen black rockers at my school and no1's like oh look at that kid trying to be white??like wtf. you cant judge people on what kind of clothes they wear or the music they listen to its just stupid

  9. #9


    actually it is quite possible to get rid of racism..... you just have to get rid of everybody from the late 80's and pre; b/c they grew up with out being shown everything, in todays society you can find gay, black and all sorts of color in the media, and statistics show that racism has dropped significantly, the only ones that still have racism are the kids that have parents that drill that crap into thir heads like rednecks those go forsaken asshole(J/K LOOL) but once they are separated they become individuals and sure, there will be what appears as racism left but there will be tolerance which will lead into the absolte resolution of racism

  10. #10
    F*** SLIMP
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    i love all people.

  11. #11
    I'm Delicious! DaCougarMech's Avatar
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    i'd say that racism will disappear but it will be with effort
    it's hard to prevent parents from passing on racial attitudes toward their children
    maybe the answer is to castrate the racists
    anyway, i dont believe racism will be around forever or that it is hard-wired in human physiology but i do believe that it is basic human nature to seek the protection of a group. the need to belong
    sadly, the need to belong has evolved to include the need to exclude

  12. #12
    Forum Elder slimp's Avatar
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    Racism is the most idiotic thing i know Of, im not racist, i dont even think racist thoughts hardly ever, As foog does, I love all people, as long as they arent *****es or dumbasses, i have so many different races that are my friends.

  13. #13
    The Burninator TroGdoR's Avatar
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    You guys don't get it: Cougar and Beholder.

    Racism will not leave. It's not like you can just snap your fingers and end racism. Unless you brainwash a human being, they will notice people of different colors, languages, cultures, etc. And even if you tell them not to hate others, some still will. And even if you become a dictator, they will still feel it and still act upon it in some cases.

    And Beholder, wipe out the 80's generation and all those prior to that? That's just plain sick and wrong to mention "wiping out" any groups of humans. It's not like they are all different. Racism is part of human nature. It isn't going anywhere. I've studied enough psychology in college to know that unless you want to go and forcefully change the human mind, racism will be a part of it. And there will always be people who act out their racist hatred. No if, ands, or buts.

  14. #14
    OH LAWWDY BlindMansTicket's Avatar
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    It is completely unnecessary.

  15. #15
    I own you 24/7 style. Loits's Avatar
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    I totally disagree with people who state that racism will disappear. Human beings always tend to surround themselves with people they have something in common with. Hey that's how we make friends when we go to a new place where no one knows anyone. Once these social groups form other social groups notice things that are different in terms of how people act and react to different situations from their own group and that can cause conflict on a social level. Another big factor that that can cause hatred is history for example the French still don't like Germans and vice versa. Racism is just a small section of a whole bigger topic.

  16. #16
    I'm Delicious! DaCougarMech's Avatar
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    of course people notice other people with different color, cultures, languages

    im just saying that we need to stop emphasizing the differences

    it will be hard, though, to backtrack through hundreds of years of human nature

    we will have to redefine standards such as what a person thinks of when someone says "man"

    does he think of a tall caucasian male? or will he think of a male of all heights and colors?

  17. #17
    The Burninator TroGdoR's Avatar
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    No man, it's not that simple. When a pack of geese see one goose with a broken wing, they keep it out of the pack. When a group of wolves see an albino wolf born into the pack, it's either eaten or abandoned. Animals are naturally stereotypical and therefore racism is simply part of your genetic code.

    There is no teaching people how to not be racist. There is teaching people how to hold it to themselves without killing others. But people will never be free of their racist feelings. It will always be part of some, whether weak or strong inside of you it will be there.

  18. #18
    I'm Delicious! DaCougarMech's Avatar
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    as much as i hate to use this as the beginning of a point...

    that's different. the characteristics that you describe affect not only the survival of the individual but also that of a group

    a geese with a broken wing cant fly as fast(or at all?) as the rest of the group so they have to wait for it to catch up. that makes their survival rate plummet

    an albino wolf cannot blend into the surroundings and therefore cannot hunt with the pack and therefore is only a freeloader or an outcast. however, an outcast can become a competitor no matter how small the threat. that is why they are killed

    human racism is based on qualities that do not affect our survival rate. black people may have a worse chance of getting a job because of their reputation of stealing things but isnt the cause a result of the effect?

    and trog. i still dont fully understand your point that racism is a level of degree. if it is unnoticed to the individual then couldnt it be said that it does not exist?

  19. #19


    i dont get why racism slavery and that shit, i think that africans were already slaves for egyptians much earlier than the colonies. thats pretty much how like 'cracker' and 'nigg*r' and racist words got started.
    i even hear that theres still KKK today. what the f*ck are they thinking?

  20. #20
    I'm Delicious! DaCougarMech's Avatar
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    slavery was created through war
    defeated members of a nation/tribe/kingdom lost everything and were forced to labor for their defeaters

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