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  1. #1

    Default Please Underestimate

    NOW recruiting. Heres our Recruitment policy.

    Our web site is

    We are currently the 4th largest Guild on The BurningBlade sever.

    With the tremendous growth rate we've had in the recent days, Please Underestimate has decided that we need to input a policy for new members interested in joining PU.

    The policy is simple and straightforward, but we are not being lenient on it because of problems in the past. What we ask of new members is:

    1. Register on our website
    - To be active in any of our 'Registration Required' events (such as Molten Core, Zul'Gurub, Arathi Basin, etc) you must register on our website. No exceptions will be made.

    2. Group with our members
    - This is essential as we want you to get along with people in our guild, as well as getting to know one another. For acceptance into the guild, there needs to be at least two people within Please Underestimate to vouch for your maturity and skill within a group.

    3. Hop on Teamspeak if you can
    - We're always looking for people with voice coms. This makes everything so much easier and is mandatory for any high level instance.

    As of now these are the only things you need to do to get in. We have a two day trial period after you are accepted into the guild so that everyone can get familiar with you.

  2. #2

    Post Just saying hi quickly

    Hey, I'm Gerald. Just saying hi - I'm new.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Arc's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Battle Tag


    please dont revive old threads, i wont infract this time but next time look at the date before posting.

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