View Poll Results: Think this is a knock off of Pamela's "My Bar"?

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  • Yes

    25 64.10%
  • No

    14 35.90%
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Results 41 to 60 of 355
  1. #41


    *begins to walk toward beholder a path that takes him by dcm whom he pushes to the floor with a light hit on the back*
    I will kill you...
    *as he talks dark circles begin to appear on the floor*
    I will kill you...
    *skulls appear above the circles*
    I will kill....
    *skelitons pull themselves out of each hole 5 in all and as one turn toward Beholder*
    Feel the power of the god of death Mr.BFG
    *pulls off his hood exposing his Jackel like face and pulling up his sleaves exposing his long claws*
    I will tear you appart!!
    *all skelitons turn toward Beholder and draw swords*
    Attack my minions mwhahah
    (sorry i am alittle overdramatic at this point)

  2. #42


    *in awe at the desplay he is about to see...*
    wow...a semi god of death, a gun slinging ninja, and a real ninja.... about to start a climatic battle....and a really hot chick that works for me is probably gonna be scared outa her mind.... this may work to my advantage.... dessert and a show =)

  3. #43


    hehehe this looks like fun....
    now whose side to take? Beholder isn't so bad but if i kill Jack i dont get paid....
    i think i will just watch for now...
    Silver come sit here where it is safe I can stop anything coming this way no worries

  4. #44


    *looks at beholder99*
    "how the HELL u get out!"
    *lifts up trog's plastic baggie of unstopablenesses*
    *sees cadience all ninja like*
    "pfft, fool"
    *i pull out my handy dandy rail blade,and aim the tip of the at cad's face*
    " good bye"
    *fires a metal slug through the small gap of the blade shredding cad's leg*
    "soo...umm , beholder hows it goin well u made a new friend alrdy"
    *walks up to jackal and throws him into trog's bag and throws it to the corner of the bar*
    "ohhh ya its good to be back"
    *walks into a shadow and vanishes*

  5. #45


    *beholder turns to jackel and throws himself into rage*
    *chains pop out of beholders wrist and fall to the floor*
    *spikes pop out of beholders back*
    *body becomes mutilated and chain links weave in and out of beholders body*
    *the trenchcoat melds into beholders skin*
    *looks highly confused as how this bag appeared in this reality*
    *remebers and is now extremly scared*
    (hanzo is sedai really finished?)
    (everyone join first page though... is anubis and zakel gone?)
    Last edited by Beholder99; 10-14-2005 at 01:35 PM.

  6. #46


    mr.fab i dunno
    zak no bloody clu
    and i hope it not gone just the last ten post r total crap -.-
    (PPLZ go to the thred sedai and read page one and then Start posting on it )
    (DO IT NOW!!!! #_#)

    "ahh the good ol time with that simple looking bag ,eh beholder"
    "u can calm down now u kno,your not a soul in the reality remember since this is a second bar (blatient rip of PAM'S shame on u za avatar shame on u...)there should be the dreaded bag of trog also"
    *looks at arm*
    ".... u impaled my arm , that hurt u kno"
    *pulles out planetbuster and shoots off the spike*

  7. #47
    I'm Delicious! DaCougarMech's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    watching you through a hole in your ceiling


    *gets up from his light nap and proceeds to start flexing*

  8. #48


    *immediatly grabs jakels bag and opens and rips him out and stores the baggie for later*
    *mutates back and looks like nothjing has ever happened, except that his trenchcoat has a small tear in the back*
    "hanzo, i promise one day something bad will happen to you, and you will be tormented for the rest of your life..."
    *turns and broods in his scotch*

  9. #49


    fine fine have it back it clashes with my massive amount of weapons i have
    *tosses the spike back to beholder99*
    "oh u better not think wut i think your think but if u r thinking wut i am thinking u better stop thinking the thinking i think your thinking"

    "oh god @_@ brain in pain of the thinking and the thinking ur thinking ...etc"
    *fall on the chair beside beholder and mumbles the order "one coke", after getting the coke starts to drink it*

  10. #50


    *turns to hanzp and throws the res tof the scotch on to hanzo*
    "AHAHAH you didnt know what i was thinking and fell right into my trap watch as the scotch permanently stains your jacket/shit hahah haha haha"
    *quickyl runs to the other side of room flips the baggie inside out and jumps into it and seals it*
    " i am safe now"

  11. #51


    *appears behind beholder*
    *chokes beholder99 inside the baggie with one hand holding the planet breaker in the other*
    "and i thought i you would do this ,but the jacket OHHH UR DEAD NOW ***** #_#!"
    *fires the planet buster point blank range at beholders head*
    (ahhh back to the sorta spaming fight posts which rapidly increase our post count ^_-

  12. #52


    *bullet goes through head but beholder appears un hamred besides him bleeding profusly*
    *spikes pop out peircing hanzo in several parts*
    *the chains come to life and begin to surround hanzo's legs, neck and arms and begin to tighten to the point were hanzos limbs are begin cut off*

  13. #53


    *i vansh*
    "ha i failed"
    *arm falls off
    *loooks around*
    "ILL GET U NEXT TIME CAPT.....ummmm.....BEHOLDER!!!"
    *runs off to a nearby medic*
    "ahh the morphine is SOOOO good "

  14. #54


    (hanzo out of the blue question but do you remeber your original account name?)
    *opens the baggie and steps out*
    "ill order one whole bottle of vodka straight"

  15. #55


    (Yes!!! ppl posting!!
    and i didnt mean to rip Pam off i didnt see the old bar was there still)
    *throws up 6 glasses and some ice then sprays some tap drinks and pops up 2 bottles*
    *lands: pepsi, coke, scotch(no rock), a beer, and a 50/50*
    on the house guys!
    sorry outa vodka
    more tomorrow
    Last edited by Za avatar; 10-14-2005 at 02:42 PM.

  16. #56


    bah you know nothing of good ale

  17. #57


    ok vodka came in this morning shots for everyone!!

  18. #58


    *grabs the whole bottle and chugs it*

  19. #59


    mwhahaha you walked right into my trap beholder before Zab got that today i poisened the bottle knowing that was what you would do!!
    mwhahah die!!!
    *dances around like a crazy man...then passes out on the floor*

  20. #60


    good thing im immune to poisons thanks to hanzo

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