C3po 3.02Source: RPGForums.comOriginally Posted by Richie
C3PO 3.02 is unsafe at the moment. So i wont provide any links yet. RPGForums wont either.
C3po 3.02Source: RPGForums.comOriginally Posted by Richie
C3PO 3.02 is unsafe at the moment. So i wont provide any links yet. RPGForums wont either.
great should be interesting to see who gets more people banned
or mousie
You said so much without ever parting your lips.
any ideas on when it might be ready??
i liked c3p0...used it on 1.10 worked great never had any issues..scared to use anything now..but got to use to having it and i want it back...
yah c3po was awsome on 1.10, lets hope he will keep up his reputation
rofl Mh is stupid why have mh when u worked 4 all ur items then there gone... Stupid's Lol
well once mh is perfected (wich probly wont hapen) it wont be so stupid any more now will it?
so how long r we expecting this take thou?
c3po rocked my world in 1.10 haha. i'd love to have it back for 1.11...but lets see if he can actually beat warden...
ya i loved c3po for 1.10 but im not trusting any mh until i have quite of bit of sources of it being "safe" i dont want to take any chances
Heh.. Blizzard will probably just let everyone think it is safe for a while until like.. half of the people on the realms are using it then BAM Mass ban again..
Yea also heard c3po was unsafe it would be nice to have it back though
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well mh is stupid bcz any mh u have or 3rd party programs will be detected and ever1 knows that u can get hacked/bann so all mh r never gonna be safe ur always gonna have that .01% chance lol
You are a ****ing retard. Stop typing. You'll never learn how to type right, just ****ing stop you god damn stupid ****ing son of a *****.
thxs baseball, u really told us something we didnt know
damn someone give tool a hug he is grumpy
man i gotta say though these maphack makes must have to be pretty darn smart to even go up against the warden. I know i couldn't do it with the knowledge i posses.I think for now im just going to give up on maphacks because 1.11 is really anti-maphack and i don't want to get another cd key
FINALLY SOMEONE TOLD HIS ***!! HE IS ****ING ANOYING!! Sorry for the caps, Tool.. Thank you.Originally Posted by Tool
if you liked that reaper you should have seen the thread he started just to pick a fight with me because i told him he spams....
Jus like Now Oh Snaps :POriginally Posted by Bloodangel26
N E Wyaz C3p0 = <3 lol
I like dans mh it was t3h pimpz0rs in .10 and hopefully in 1.11 XD
Go GOON !!
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